Woolyne Prompts

8 months, 2 days ago
6 months, 4 days ago
2 1058

Entry 2
Published 6 months, 4 days ago

All my writing entries for Woolyne prompts!

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 610
Characters - Apollo, Atlas
Companions - Darrell

Shard Breakdown:
Default Prompt Reward - 4 shards
Word Count - 6 shards
Medium Companion - 2 shards
Total: 12 shards

Winter Solstice 2023

It was a quiet evening. And a cold one. Apollo watched his breath billow out from over his scarf, debating going back inside. Though, he did want to see the aurora he had heard Atlas exclaiming about. 

The woolyne's ear twitched as he heard footsteps in the snow nearby, turning to look. Ah, it was Darrell, Atlas' chicern. Well, he supposed it was more like their chicern, considering all three of the brothers took care of it- but he knew Atlas would protest that notion. A slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he watched it poke around, seemingly as disgruntled at the snow as he was.

His amusement didn't last long, however, as a snowball came hurtling from behind with such force that it almost knocked him over. Apollo let out a loud hiss, pupils narrowing as he whirled around to see who had thrown it. Of course, it was none other than Atlas, who immediately started laughing his ass off as soon as he'd made eye contact with his less-than-happy brother. "Surprise!"

"I'm going to kill you."

"Naaah, no you won't. Honestly I'm surprised you let that one over on you, you hear everything! But I guess Darrell was just too distracting, huh?" The older beamed, walking over to pick up the chicern. Apollo only gave a low grumble in response, shaking his hair out and trying to brush the snow out of his fur.

"Where's Juno, by the way?" Atlas asked distractedly as he ruffled Darrell's feathers and made sure he was also warm, ending up taking his own scarf off to wrap around him. Darrell chirped happily in response, glad to be off the ground and out of the snow.

When no response came, Atlas turned around, only to be met with a snowball to the face. "Apol- ACK- HEY!" He had to readjust Darrell, balancing him between his horns to wipe the snow off his snout. "RUDE!"

"Juno's asleep," Apollo finally replied with a small smirk. "Also, no, not rude, only equal retribution."

Atlas frowned at him for a long moment before he started laughing, causing Apollo to also quietly laugh along. "Okay. Fine. Deserved. ANYWAYS. You're out here for the aurora, yeah?"

"Do you know of any other reason I'd be outside in the freezing cold?"

"Okay smartass. I'll take that as a yes," Atlas remarked with a snort, before walking over to lean on the railing. "It shouldn't be too long now, it's been appearing every night thus far!"

Apollo gave a nod, moving to stand next to him. "You've only been exclaiming about it every time it happens."

"That's because it's COOL!"

The younger woolyne snorted, shaking his head as he crossed his arms and waited. 

The two waited in silence for a long while. With nothing happening, Apollo eventually pushed himself off the railing. "Alright, I'm going back inside, it's too cold for me-"


Looking up, sure enough, the sky was painted with an array of colors, the likes of which neither of them had seen in a long time. Apollo found himself at a loss for words as Atlas grinned, walking over to his younger brother and lightly butting his head against his. "See? I knew you'd like it."

Apollo huffed at the action, recrossing his arms, but he didn't move away. "Yes yes, fine, you were right. It's... pretty. ..beautiful."

"Now we just need to drag Juno to see it tomorrow night, yeah?" "...yeah."

The brothers watched the aurora for a little while more before Apollo had finally had enough of the cold, heading back inside with Atlas following not too long after.