Woolyne: Winter Solstice 2023

10 months, 1 day ago
8 months, 28 days ago
46 35349

Entry 6
Published 10 months, 1 day ago

Time to end the year with style.

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A Gate in the Sky

“My lovely, did you finish your tea?” she asked. 

“Hmmm,” said Sho. 

He thought that he was starting to get cold, but he still wanted to stay up just a little longer so he didn't mention it.

“Maybe we can go make some more.” Beat. “Although it is getting late, and tomorrow is going to be another long day for you. I think it might be best that you get some rest… what’s that?”

She looked up into the sky, and so did Sho. For a moment, he didn’t understand what she was looking for, but then he saw it: high in the sky, seemingly against the canvas of the stars, there was a green flash, like a ripple on water that was only briefly seen. Sho’s heart started to beat very strongly in his chest because he was hoping that this was what he thought it was, and he even stood up as if that would allow him to take a closer look at it. 

And suddenly, the entire sky lit up in gorgeous colours, like it had been torn in half to reveal a new canvas before the first, one that moved and vibrated like nothing Sho had seen. He gasped in delight, enthralled. Even Sashta stood up, mouth agape. 

“Well would you look at that, Sho,” she whispered. 

He didn’t quite understand that she had seen such a sight many, many times since she started living here, mostly because when he looked at her she looked back with equal delight, as if this was the first time. 

“Amirlyn is gracing us, my lovely! She’s sending a good omen our way.” 

Sho felt a second wave of excitement rise. He even hopped a little in place. 

“We must honour her,” said Sashta. 

She clapped her hands together and bowed deeply to the auroras. Sho did the same, quickly, but unlike her that had her head down and her eyes closed he kept looking at her so that he would do as she did. 

“Thank you, kind goddess,” she said, “for this wonderful year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” 

“Thank you,” repeated Sho. 

“Thank you for the life you provide for us in this beautiful land of yours, thank you for the food, the water, and the grass for our sheep to graze.” 

“Thank you,” repeated Sho. 

“Please bless us with your bounty once more in the year to come, o gracious Amyrlyn.” 

“Please very much!” 

“Thank you.” 

“Thank you!” 

Once the prayer had been said, they both looked up and the spectacle above them in silence for a few more moments. 

Eventually, Sashta said, 

“Are you cold, my lovely?” 

“A little,” he admitted. 

“Hmm. Next time you see the lights, you should address your own prayers of thanks. Think of what you are grateful for in your life, and just say it. Amirlyn watches over us, always, for she is kind and gentle, but it makes her happy to hear that we are happy.” 


“You don’t have to think too hard about it, too. But be nice, and don’t thank her for anything bad happening, even if it happened to someone you don’t like. When the aurora lights appear, the gates of Her domain are opening high up in the sky,” said Sashta. “Then she can hear us better. It’s important to be especially well-behaved when a goddess hears us, so that she can send us many blessings for the year.” 

Sho nodded. 

“Now, let’s go back inside. Being well-behaved takes energy, and it also means that you go on time.” 

“I just want to watch them a little longer…” 

“But don’t you remember? The window of your room looks up, you’ll be able to see the sky from there.” 


His grandmother laughed when she saw him rush inside as fast as she could. She helped him get undressed and re-dressed in his night garment, making sure that he wore his night socks and his nightcap before he was allowed up the ladder to his “room”. She had put him on a simple wool mattress in the attic of her home, right next to a small round glass window in the wall. He slept in between tall piles of wool and felt so well-hidden that he liked to imagine that he was a sootmus in its nest. 

From there, he could indeed see part of the aurora borealis, but he could mostly see their green and blue lights dancing upon the white side of the mountains. He didn’t remember how he went to sleep, because when he did he dreamed of more aurora borealis, but this time he was flying high in the sky and he could almost see the domain of Amirlyn on the other side.