My Ocs and their fav foods from categories!

6 months, 24 days ago
6 months, 24 days ago
6 820

Chapter 1
Published 6 months, 24 days ago

This is just a list of some of my pokekids fav foods and some info about if except halfway thru i got bored and stopped writing paragraphs :P

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Chapter One: Fruits

Kaichi: Kai LOVES fruits and definitely has a hard time picking a favorite BUT he DOES have one. If presented with a plate full of fruits of all different types the one he will eat all of first is gonna be japanese peaches. Kaichi LOVES peaches.

Tristan: Tris is a notoriously picky eater and likes very few fruits but his favorite is a classic sweet banana.

Kurai: Kurai doesn't get to eat fruit too often but when he does his fruit of choice is mikan, a japanese orange. He loves anything citrus flavored so its no surprise his favorite fruit is an orange.

Kanon: Kanon would KILL for an apricot. Mans loves apricots they are one of his favorite foods.

Kaede: Kaede isn't big on fruits but does enjoy blueberries. However raspberries are a close second.

Kurino: If you LOOK at Kurino he just looks like a strawberry cream boy, so nobody can really be surprised that strawberries are his favorite fruit. He likes to eat them plain and quite enjoys coating them with sugar, caramel, or chocolate.

Chikao: Chaotic evil. Scandalous. Not even Kyojima can look over this fatal flaw SURELY. Chikao's favorite fruit is.... a tomato. He will eat a tomato, just bite into it. He's fucking crazy I tell you.

Levi: Her favorite fruit is cherries. Nothing special to note on it. She just likes em.

Ace: Grapes cause theyre purple like he is. Thats the logic.

Naomi: Girl LOVES watermelon. She loves how juicy is. Its like crunchy water but so sweet.

Aiko: Aiko ADORES Dragonfruit, to the point she gets everything that is flavored dragonfruit just to try it and she always loves it.

Takato: Loves cantaloupe. Likes the texture also thinks its funny because Koichi HATES it.

Kinukita: I mean... look at him. You know... he loves strawberries. He loves strawberries so much he is dating a strawberry bunny he cannot deny.

Oliver: Dragonfruit, BOY he loves dragonfruit. He would fuck up anything dragonfruit.