AW0001 Prompts

5 months, 29 days ago
4 months, 19 days ago
7 8496 1

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 29 days ago

Host of all completed prompts.

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Trip to the dreams P1

My Profile

Ivy has always liked dreamcore aesthetics since they blew up on the internet a year ago. She loves floating in the digital realm, holding her own device, and using the large screen summoned from her equipment to view these strange images. That day, about a week ago, when she found information about the things called "aesthetics" that were made by humans, they were explained as the "ASMR of the eyes." As a digital AI, Ivy couldn't fully understand what they meant when she looked it up on Awoogle, the most powerful search engine, which she used to stock her memory card with useful resources. ASMR is mostly about humans who eat a lot of food on video; that's all. Ivy thinks the case of this is just overly a joke; she managed to leave it to the side. But without it, she'll have nothing else to do. This is her "day off." Yes, a day off is a new definition for a workaholic like her, who developed the habit of using up all the time to work and worry about things. She doesn't know how to relax or stop thinking, and she felt wrong for doing nothing, so instead of coming out for some fresh air, she decided to keep diving into the internet.

She got familiar with her job, or her profession of analyzing software and AI—a digital psychologist who helps with cases when other AI beings get out of control. Sometimes they have problems that don't relate to mind and consciousness, but most of the time, these AI tried to be as human as possible; they tried some extreme methods and ended up becoming frantic. With all of this being said, this job isn't quite relaxing. Before she realized it, her cooling system was overheating again, with reports filed from minor tech parts telling her to stop working for a couple of days. That's when she floats aimlessly and scrolls through social media pages, looking for something interesting to care about:

- Alright, good lord, I'm bored! I never see a day that's as long as this one!

Ivy tossed her phone to the side, looking at the abstract sea of encoded data floating high above. Suddenly, an idea popped out of nowhere: "Why don't you try to create a space like that yourself?" Ivy tried that once, a long time ago. The Digital Realm might not have that place by default, but she can still go to an emulator center and stock the AI there with dreamcore images she found on the Internet. Okay, that sounds like a great idea to spend this day off. She always wanted to visit a dream-like place, or at least an emulator center. With the Digital Realm map next to her side, Ivy looks for the right path to go there.

After 1 second, or equal to 30 minutes, she arrived at the place. The emulator is a base with lots of AI and less data than the AW0005. They look round, small, and cute, which reminds her of the plush bot accessory that has been selling around these days. Ivy also brought one herself. Just to look more stylish, she took out the plush and brought it inside the emulator center.

- Welcome! How can I help you?

A robot in clean, sparkly white polish slides in front of her with a funny attitude. Ivy smiles and pokes her plushie:

- I want to use one emulator room, please. How's the price, and can I bring accessories?

The robot blinks its digital green eyes, then praises the plush with a high-pitched voice. With rich data on being human-like, Ivy knows what being flattered feels like, and she smiles with a blush.

- Of course, ma'am! You can bring this hilarious, beautiful baby into the room! Just make sure to bring it out when you leave. The price is 200 cc/hour!

- Thank you.

With no idea about whether she'll spend her whole day inside the emulator, Ivy expected she'd only go in there for 2 hours or such. This place is very crowded, in a "digital" way. In this welcoming hall, there's only her and the greeting autobot, but looking at the large screen behind the bot, she saw lots of data lines running over. Those were also encoded to preserve privacy. Digital Realm residents don't have to wait in line like humans, because new rooms and new servers can be created in just a millisecond, ready to welcome customers. Ivy takes out her phone, loads the image storage, and tells the bot:

- I want to create a new room, please. About 12 GB of data should be ready. How is the maximum cap?

- 50 GB per room, ma'am.

- Very good. I don't plan to use that much.

After another short conversation, Ivy sent all the images, descriptions, and Internet information about "aesthetic" and "dreamcore" to the bot. It checks all of them and instantly pops up a green check icon on the face screen:

- Allow me to deliver you to your room, dear customer.

All the surroundings disappear; she feels a hand of data grab her hand gently. It's hyperlink software, asking permission to transfer her data into the prepared room. Ivy granted it, and after a blink, she saw herself standing in a vast grass field. She has no belongings but a plush bot; there's nobody around either, humans or AW0005s. The sky is blue, an unnatural shade of blue. Ivy saw lots of images featuring skies in the physical realm; humans post them on social media often. Although most of the pictures have some filters on, Ivy still gets to know what the actual natural sky looks like. It's not like this; it's very blue with only a few clouds.

Her sight followed the wavy hills, covered in green grass fields. This color combination reminds her of something. something so nostalgic and old. Oh, the Windows XP default wallpaper. That level of technology has fallen behind modern humans and AW0005s for a very long time. What is that old-fashioned thing doing here? Ivy wonders before taking her steps. Why not discover it herself instead?