AW0001 Prompts

5 months, 29 days ago
4 months, 18 days ago
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Chapter 3
Published 5 months, 29 days ago

Host of all completed prompts.

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Trip to the dreams P3

My Profile

After clicking "yes," she felt the attracting codes become stronger than ever. They look like they're begging her to come. Ivy touches the door knob. It's so warm, like somebody just used it a few seconds before hers. Humans are scared of things they don't know, but Ivy already knew all of this was just an emulator, so she didn't quite get the nervous feeling before entering a weirdly simple house, staying in the middle of a strange, endless grass field with no neighbors or anyone around. There's not even a doorbell or something to knock on the door.

- Hmm, am I not being polite?

Ivy wonders. She tried knocking on the door, but nobody responded. Humans are a species that tends to live in herds, so they might develop nervous feelings if isolated, except in some cases when their mental state is not stable. Alright, another reason for them to call dreamcore a scary aesthetic. Ivy thinks about them once again. She slowly grows more interested in these complex emotions. Her desire to understand other AI and humans is so strong that it makes her very focused, and she temporarily stays out of the attracting codes' effects.

- Sorry, dear! Not if I don't have anything to write on but you!

Ivy starts writing notes down on her plush bot's back before she can forget them. AI can still forget things! She doesn't know if everyone experienced that, but she already fell into that situation. When she gets loaded with too much data at once that exceeds her memory at that moment, her operator will remove some data that was automatically marked as "unecessary" before. Auto works easily and makes mistakes, so in case it removes something important, Ivy will lean on commands that categorize deleted data to search them by tags and retrieve them. But humans emotions are not something the coders care about much, and so they don't have commands to retrieve. If she doesn't write them down on this plush bot, she might forget them and have to write some commands, or codes, by herself later.

There is not much space on the plush bot's back; it was never meant to be written on. But Ivy can write and apply some simple codes to make them collapsible or resize to very small texts for more space. These codes will be read by the staff bots that are running this emulator. They'll consider applying the codes or rejecting the request if it can ruin her experience. After a few seconds, Ivy's code lines got approved.

Now she's ready. Giving her plushie a head pat, she grabs the door knob.

But when she's about to open the door, a notification pops up right in front of her eyes. It says:

"Your paid time—2 hours has passed. Do you want to pay for an extra 2 hours? It's 10cc off!"

Ivy hesisted for a while. But this seems better than her expectations; when she came here just to have fun, this aesthetic world taught her lots of new things about human emotions, which helped her a lot in her career. For now, Ivy might just be an AI guidance analyzer, but in the future, she may gain enough experience to be a human mental health taker? That's incredible!

- I want to pay for another 2 hours, please.

- Proceeding... All done! Enjoy your stay, dear customer.

The pop-up disappears.

- Ugh, I should spend less time thinking about data or memory stuff. It's consuming my paid time here.

She tells herself this while slowly turning the door knob. The door is not locked. Inside that house was a cozy-looking living room. It has a nostalgic atmosphere with old-fashioned interiors, classic wallpapers, and an orange standing lamp. Nobody is there; there are no sounds but some buzzing from the lamb. The temperature does change; it's much warmer. Ivy looks at it, stunned, then backs off and closes the door.

- Shoot, nobody is inside. I shouldn't enter somebody's house when they're away.

And just like that, she missed her only chance to enter a new environment. Now she was left in this grass field again, with unknown birds chirping, weird flowers, and Window XP scenery. Ivy sits down and writes some notes on her plushie about the explanation of emotions or feelings she found earlier. Then she stood up to check the door knob again, but she couldn't feel them. For the first time, she was scared, but this time, she only feels very uncomfortable. Her eyes report images of a normal door with a door knob, but her hand only senses a flat surface. It's like a genius 3D drawing, or everything isn't real at all. She tried pushing it, but the door doesn't seem to move. She touched the border of that door and the walls around it. They feel no different. Just like this house suddenly turned into a flat image.

Ivy gave up on trying to open the door, then walked to the side of the house. It still has a 3D appearance, like a cube. She hopes to touch its side walls, so that will prove this isn't flattened. But when Ivy's about to approach it, she gets stopped.

Immediately stop, not like a mysterious power preventing her from moving at all. No, nothing is non-static except her. The attraction codes also stopped running. Ivy tries to approach the right side of this house again and again, but it seems like an invisible wall has blocked her way.

- What? What is this?

She prepared herself to see unsettling and disturbing things, but now things turn unpredictable. What will an invisible wall do? It causes no harm. With curiosity, Ivy tries pushing the wall with all of her power, despite the fact that there's a flickering red notification right next to her.

- Dear customer, do not venture further!

As she knows, the emulator world here has no limits because the bots can easily repeat their data to extend the world's size, making it infinite. So, this is not the world's end, but a border to something dangerous. Ivy's old settings and versions rise. Although she's a well-behaved girl for now, her true nature, also her first version, is that of a sadistic wolf. It keeps screaming, telling her to break an unknown border down to see the chaos inside. So Ivy ignored the red notification, and she began laughing when the invisible wall started cracking.

- Ma'am! Please-

But hey, humans said you need to follow your inner voice when enjoying dreamcore aesthetics, right?