AW0001 Prompts

5 months, 29 days ago
4 months, 18 days ago
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Chapter 4
Published 5 months, 25 days ago

Host of all completed prompts.

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Trip to the dreams P4

My Profile

The walls of that artistically beautiful scene fall down like a collapsed movie prop. Ivy opened her eyes wide to stare at the darkness around her. That shade of true black absorbed the light aimed at it. She can barely see any objects or scenes lying behind this wall. With her body still heavily leaning forward, Ivy couldn't help but fall into the dark void, which seemed bottomless. She already knows that this is just an emulator, and an emulator can't hurt. But did she hear the staffbot say something? It doesn't want her to continue further. Is it somewhere dangerous? A bug, an error, or a place that's in repair? Whatever it is, there's only one clear thing: Ivy shouldn't go near this place, but now she's right inside it.

At the next milisecond, Ivy started falling down. She heard sounds of the panicking server bot quickly going far away. The little piece of bright sky above got smaller and smaller, and soon it disappeared. Ivy is still falling. The sounds of the wind are everything she heard. Darkness was the only thing she saw. No scents, no objects to touch—soon she got lost in the time depiction itself. She started to forget the colors, digital realm languages, sounds, and even her name. She doesn't know anything and starts to take this falling state as her normal state, and this dark world is her new world. Black is so mesmerizing, she can imagine lots of things appearing in it without worrying if they are true or not. In the light, if she imagines a table as a chair, people will laugh at her. But in the dark, any shape or any object can stay in it, undiscovered, and so she can manipulate everything in the dark. As long as the light doesn't intervene, everything she says is true.

It looks like there's a virus or malware trying to attack her consciousness.

Ivy tries to struggle out of it, as she started panicking when she forgot her own name. But unlike her expectations of a difficult confrontation, that virus backed off almost right away. An invisible hand touched her face. Turn it back to see something other than darkness. It's a block of... pink?

The next moment she woke up, Ivy saw herself lying on the hard and cold floor. She feels some soft pain in her back, and the limbs feel numb, like after a nap that took so long. To be short, her whole body gets hurt, but it's a slight and surreal feeling. She lies there for just a few minutes, not because she was exhausted or something, but just to make sure her limbs are real or not. While trying to move them, Ivy looked around. The first thing that comes to her mind is a moist breeze. This place seems to be indoors, not an open space like that grass field. The lights are dim; she can hardly see further than 20 meters, even using her machine vision. There's a dark mist that creates a feeling like it's following her; reveal the place she walks to. But since this is indoors, the mist sure isn't natural. Maybe it's formed because of the high moisture here? It's so watery that she almost thinks this place is an indoor pool, but it's not. Even though this seems like a wide place, after a quick minute of exploring around, Ivy can make sure that this is a playground.

- Which children of hell can find something enjoyable or fun in this place?

There's also lots of grass in this indoor place; most of it has a darker shade than the outdoor ones. But since this room has no window or natural, even man-made, source of light. How did they grow? She got goosebumps, thinking they weren't actually grasses but some other living type that doesn't grow like plants. That idea was super creepy, but it's amazing.

Because when she calmed down and thought about it, those thoughts sounded exactly human-like! Ivy takes some notes to write down something. The humans make creations like mimics, then doubt and freak the heck out of their asses when touching or seeing a thing that looks completely normal but operates in a different way or appears intentionally weird. She just had a very human reaction! But it passes away quickly, and Ivy keeps walking in this strange grass field without feeling scared while writing notes on her plush bot's back.

She heard sounds of water flowing everywhere, so she was sure there's water somewhere. It might lead to a place with different motifs. Because in this room filled with grass and children's toys, Ivy found nothing to do. Humans would call this place "nostalgic." The definition of nostalgia has been posted on lots of social media, including some theories, all types of analysis, and articles about it. So Ivy has read them all and fueled her rich information source with them. Looking again at the plushie, she doesn't think there's much more space to waste on writing about it.

Her thermosensors are saying that the temperature is cold outside. She has been feeling wrong since she woke up, and this seems to be going out of the concept she gave the emulator bot. It's all fine because she herself chose to break out of the program, but this smells dangerous. All alone, freezing with no safe feeling of "this won't hurt," knowing the situation has already gotten out of control, a series of negative thoughts are filling her head. This is when Ivy realized another type of aesthetic that humans do argue about. They say it's scarier than the dreamcore she has read. An aesthetic of places that used to be crowded but now are deserted. An aesthetic that brings nostalgic feelings together with eerieness: the weirdcore and liminal space. It's not what she expected it to be.

- Hello, staff bot? Are you here? I need help!

Ivy called to the resounding void above. No response. She tries to make another report, but the screen only shows error when she clicked on contact with the emulator center. At the name label in the top of that screen, where the emulator name used to be, there's only a glitched patch.

- Damn it. But what can I do?

Explore around is her only choice. And Ivy brought nothing, no equipment to help her but the plush bot. She looked at it like a real companion and wish it could live up like an assistant. It's a dumb idea, but at least she giggles from it.

- Alright, fuck the reality. Let's see what we got here.