Frost Impressions

5 months, 22 hours ago
4 months, 10 days ago
3 1055

Chapter 2
Published 4 months, 15 days ago

Winter seasonal prompts for Celestial Seas!

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Suit Up

It’s a fine winter’s day aboard the Little Ivy, which sails through the Seas like it hasn’t a care in the world. They’re close to their next destination, and so the ship is bustling with activity from a slew of aircorns, an archound, two browbirds, and a kitbull.  Frostfall season is always busy for this three man crew. Daisy always wants to go to every festival and see everything that the Seas have to offer, and while Ames is less outwardly enthusiastic, Geist knows that they wouldn’t go along with it if they weren’t also excited to be with Daisy in so many winter get-togethers.

Geist doesn’t mind it himself, being completely honest. There are a lot of strangers. A lot of new marks. A lot of things to see. Frostfall isn’t his favorite holiday, but everyone is so charitable this season, and there’s always a glutton’s feast of magic to be had anywhere he goes.

The most annoying part is probably dressing for the weather. He doesn’t feel cold the same way his browbird companions do, but nonetheless there will be plenty of frosty magic around to chill him to his core, and the best thing to do is layer up to prevent any incidents. He has enormous soft sweaters he buries himself in - an orange scarf that’s so long it loops thrice around his collar and still has room to dangle.

He even puts on pants, though it’s his firm opinion that pants are a completely ridiculous thing to wear. Lastly he slides on boots and gloves, to make sure he’s nice and cozy, and tucks Ember into his front pocket to siphon off a little of the aircorn’s warm elemental magic. 

When he presents himself to Daisy, she says, “Oh my stars, don’t you look darling! Ames, doesn’t he look adorable?”

Ames eyes him and grunts, probably because his outfit isn’t as coordinated as Ames would like. They toss him a starleaf cloak in hues of pale winter blue and gold, and he begrudgingly wraps it around his shoulders. That, at least, will most assuredly keep the worst of the cold off. 

Together the three of them settle a blanket over Oxbow’s flanks and load her up with baskets. They’re going to touch down at a pop-up Frostfall market, and it wouldn’t do not to have all the space they can to carry the goods.