Ichi's stories

5 months, 1 day ago
4 months, 8 days ago
3 3770

Chapter 2
Published 5 months, 2 days ago

Explicit Sexual Content
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Ichi's new year dream

Ichi was relaxing in an inn a few hours before New Year's day began, having drank plenty and had some celebratory lunar Mochi. Lying back on his bed, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a fueled dream of the new year's desires.

As he fell asleep, the dreams began, starting with him floating on a river of sake with Mochi of all different flavors and colors on the beaches around him. He was dazed, not minding the strange colors and themes at all until he was suddenly falling down a hole, only to be caught by a cushion of Mochi.

Sitting up, he looked around the space, spotting a bed where a black colored bun was sitting and tending to his swords. As though sensing he was being viewed, the bun looked his way before motioning him over with a sultry expression on his face. The pair were dressed in similar attire, both being swordsmen with a Japanese theme from their clothes to their weapons.

Getting down off the giant Mochi, he made his way over by the beautiful other male, the pair of them setting their swords aside.

Arms from the darker haired male wrapped around his neck, pulling him onto the bed with an embrace and a deep kiss. Ichi made sure he didn't fully collapse on top of the other male, kissing him deeply yet hotly, a heated expression forming on both of them as the kiss got deeper and extended.

Ichi found himself moving his hands along the other's body, fingers skimming along marred skin and the thin fabric that barely hid much beyond his chest.

Breaking the kiss, the two rushed to remove their yukatas, leaving Ichi with his boots and the other with his shoes.

Climbing up on the bed, Ichi didn't have enough time to even get settled before the mysterious bun was in his lap, getting into position before taking Ichi's dick into his ass, beginning to ride him and kiss him once again in a deep and heated fashion. Passionate groans and moans surrounded the space between them.

Watching the male do so, he got more and more into it, going to start kissing and biting along the soft skin, leaving marks and hickeys with each motion. That only made the noises of utter lust louder and twitches begin.

"Closer... So close.." The bun whispered hotly, eyes glazed from the desire and pleasure. "About to... Come.. So so close.." He moaned out and held Ichi, nails digging into his skin before he arched back up and released between them both, nearly screaming in pleasure. "Coming!" He yelled out, eyes rolling back.

It had almost brought Ichi to his first release as well, but not quite. And thus, while the other was riding his high, Ichi moved them so he was on top, beginning to move his hips in deep thrusts, biting more and leaving more marks while he was moving his hips deeply. He quickly brought himself to his first release, being pulled into another deep kiss while he filled the male for the first time ever.

He knew it was a dream, but he wanted to give in and allow himself some moments and time, bonding with the man of his literal dreams. And thus, he did, pinning the male's arms above his head while he hit more, getting intense and rougher than before, but not mean. He wanted more, to do more and leave the male a mess covered in the efforts of their passionate dream shared between them.

Holding his wrists, he bit his lip, letting them both drown in passion and desire for the lone night.

A second time, and third, then a shift in positions. He had the male bound up with the ropes he himself had been wearing earlier, tied gently yet securely so the mysterious bun couldn't use his arms that were bound up behind his legs and pressing against his chest in a provocative manner.

Ichi sat in front of him, taking the time to enjoy the male, starting by licking off the release from his body from earlier. He did use a cock ring as well so the other couldn't release easily anymore, as there had already been five before that, and left a vibrator dildo within the bun's asshole to keep him plugged up yet also feeling more pleasure.

Whimpers and whining began to sound with each lick, and Ichi decided to mess with him more by getting a blindfold and muffler for him. He wrapped the blindfold on him gently, then added in the muffler. "Enjoy this. Relax and let your body feel it." He whispered to him, leaning down again and licking his supple skin, moving on to sucking him off afterwords, which caused the male to twitch and moan against the muffler.

He was enjoying the sounds and reactions he was getting, but it came to a halt as fireworks and cheering woke him out of his sleep, cheering the new year.

A soft sigh, he sat up with his body stiff from his desire. "Damn... A shame I couldn't even hear him say his name.." He muttered softly, going to take care of himself as his own way to welcome in the new year.