Gembound Celebration

4 months, 24 days ago
4 months, 3 days ago
14 8142

Chapter 10
Published 4 months, 3 days ago

The Gembound celebration, the holiday where woolynes offer stones to their beloved as a mark of affection, is in full swing, and Sion must decide if he will confess or step aside and watch his two friends, Ewen and Sho, get together.

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What Sho Knows

And then, Sion was alone with Sho. He felt cold sweat run down his back. He was a terrible liar and had all the trouble in the world keeping a secret, and the way Sho rested his head on his hands as he leaned over the table… 

Sion really liked that mischievous side of Sho when he got to watch it directed at other people. Right now though, he felt like a mothlight in a spider’s web, except the spider was a cute and soft Woolyne with big blue eyes.

“How about you, Sion?” asked Sho. “Are you like Ewen? Bored of how sappy everything is?” 

“I don’t have an opinion,” said Sion. “It’s my first, erm… gembound celebration. I mean, we celebrated a bit… back with the band. But not much. And it was like, two people gifting stuff. Maybe three.” 

“You really have no opinion so far?” 

Sion shook his head. He was nervous, so he focused on Sashta, his soothmus, instead, sliding small crumbs of his bread in her direction. Lemonade came over almost immediately, walking with the determination of a tax collector, and Sion had to chase him away; upset, the Cherikeet flew upward and perched on one of the beams above to stare down at Sion accusingly. 

“Maybe I should find Lemonade a mate, one of those days,” said Sho. “He loves me a lot, and he’s happy, but he probably gets lonely. Everyone needs someone.” 

Sion had a thought for Cag, the eternally grumpy and forever pursued chief of his old bandit band. He had never gotten the impression that he was interested in anything else but a quick physical contact, despite the years Brock (the second in command) had spent pursuing him. 

“Maybe not everyone,” said Sion. 

“You think so?” 

“I do… but a lot of people need someone.”

“Yes, even just as a friend.” 

Sho stared at Sion. Sion, unlike Ewen, hadn’t finished his meal, and so he did that quietly, but it was getting harder and harder to focus.

“Is something the matter?” he asked after a while. 

“Do you have anyone?” asked Sho. “That you’re going to offer a stone to.” 

Sion opened his mouth and breathed sharply. He wanted to say no, if felt like it would be the simplest thing in the world to do, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that, he couldn’t, it was stuck in his throat. 

Sho chuckled. Then he reached over the table and stroked Sion’s knuckles. “It’s okay,” he said. “Your secret is safe with me.” 

Sion felt his cheeks heat. His nose, which was the only part of his face that was furless, was probably very red. 

“I see how you look at Ewen when he isn’t looking,” added Sho. “I know. He’s very pretty, isn’t he?” 


Sho knew about his crush for Ewen! 

Sion was both nervous and relieved. 

“Don’t tell him,” he blurted.

“I won’t,” said Sho. “I’ll let you do so tomorrow, yourself. You got a stone for him, didn’t you?” 


“I can’t believe that he didn’t realise. You’re so obvious about it.” 

Sion kicked his feet under the table, a little embarrassed himself that he would be so readable. 

“I hope he returns your feelings,” said Sho. “You would make for a very cute couple, you two.” 

“I… I don’t know about that.” 

“I’m sure about it,” said Sho. “Don’t worry about it. I’m on your side!”

Sion smiled, full of conflicted feelings.