Fish's Various Skire Adventures

7 months, 10 days ago
4 months, 8 days ago
3 3007

Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 10 days ago

Various ARPG write's for Skire involving Fish! A curious and strange Cccat, with various adventures she goes on, experiencing a world in all sorts of ways from her own naive and friendly perspective.

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Fish's Aquarium Visit

Fish enjoyed wandering very much. After all, everything up here was something new to them! New foods for Fish to eat, new things for Fish to smell, and new people for Fish to meet too!

So as the cccat wandered in a large pink sweater, a bag around her waist which held Fish, she wandered surrounded by tall glass walls with hundreds to thousands of gallons of water surrounding them.

It seemed both strange and familiar to them!

But Fish wasn't sure. Disconnected, almost.

Walking around aimlessly as they carefully watched. Letting Fish peek out just the slightest at the scenery and the walls. A mix of normal sight and magic sight tangled together, a singular, even, bright blob of color tangled together in one row, dotted with hundreds of little shapes taking form in much more tighter threaded wires. Familiar outline of plants.. Creatures. Of other Fish. Stingrays. Long water wyrms.

Fish didn't fully understand what those threads were. To them it was nothing more than long strings of bright color that meant life! Never fully paying attention to what it meant. Maybe that's why they were always so clumsy.

Crown's twitching as Fish could start to hear scrambled thoughts and sights and images from other cccats in the aquarium as they moved deeper. Listening in to the imagery of other angles in the buildings, the feelings and the surface thoughts of seeing the interesting creatures, the open back and forth some cccats had-

Then seeing Fish clumsily walk into a barrier and fall over. The cccat laughing, a briefly amused din shared by others close by.

Then confusion as Fish stood up and shook herself out, continuing to walk.

Then concern as she eyed the stairwell and walked up to the catwalk over the tanks.

'Hey! You're not supposed to be up there-'

'Why is she up there-'

'Huh what's going on-'

'hey jump in!'

'Jump in!'

'No don't encourage them to Jump, that could scare the animals-'

Looking around as the sounds of the hivemind became a noisy buzz. Realizing they was alone now, and high enough up no one could really see her, quickly bringing Fish up to her mouth. Leaning underneath a metal bar and and bowing low, peeking at the water from the gap in the cccats teeth. The bluish water rocking in small, controlled, waves, enough light reflecting back that they could see....

Themself. Fish.

Not realizing the edge of the catwalk was wet as she leaned forward to get a better look, swaying then


Slipping and falling into the water. But instead of making an effort to swim out Fish simply... sunk. The cold shock wrapped around her body, wetting her fur and making her sweater heavy. Paws touching the sand at the bottom and Fish looked around.


Swallowing Fish down and starting to walk the bottom of the tank slowly. Limbs heavy, not built to wander water like this, tail swishing slowly. Other Fish wandering close to the curious, bright, object in the tank, feeling them poke at her fur and nibble any stray bits of debris off. Fish not flinching at the contact, instead enjoying the feeling of being underwater like this. Surrounded by other Fish.

But before she could continue wandering something suddenly wrapped around her waist and pulled her out. Looking down and then behind her back to see a claw like object and a large cccat holding the end of it. Lips curled up to the gums and teeth visible as the cccat growled something.

Fish only smiled back.

They were then promptly thrown out of the aquarium and banned.