Comments on Pawn

YOUR WRITING IS SO FUCKING GOOD. I came across this by chance in the "show me a duo" thread and the way you wrote this literally had me clinging onto every word!! Your diction is so amazing, which sounds like such a nerdy compliment but I truly have no other words AJSKDSA

I have yet to read either of their profiles, but now it's got me wondering about the true plot that Myres got himself stuck in by working for the hotel... and the parallels between Elias being forced to close himself off emotionally to inherit his father's business and Myres now planning to shut the world out as well so that he's never taken advantage of like that again? AUGH OH MY GOD I want to just hug the both of them so badly, poor souls!!

TLDR, absolutely amazing work!! Definitely going to look through your other stuff 

oh my goodness thank you ;U; i didnt expect anyone to read this, so im really glad you found it and enjoyed it !! i loved writing this so much, and i do hope to write more pieces to post here in the future ^_^