Reading this was such a treat! It brought AceSpace42’s art, which was equally outstanding, to life so wonderfully . . . I can’t remember the last time I went to the beach, even though I live so close to a beach I can smell the salt air sometimes when I walk to the car!

But your expertly crafted prose took me there for a few wonderful minutes, as I delighted in water blaster fights and in sandcastle building, in lounging on a beach towel and in simply talking to others who are in need of compassion.

Indeed, I am delighted that even the queen of Hell can take a break now and then from the serious business of running her kingdom, and more importantly, can set aside her everlasting grudges just long enough to Be Here Now.

To her credit, Zex must have a surprising amount of self-control if she can make herself do that; I tend to be more single-minded!

The abundant humor in this brief, fun piece is what really makes it memorable, though, particularly Glodis’ first time using a toy water bazooka and the comically over-the-top sandcastle building.

I actually laughed out loud over the idea of a “simple deck” on a sandcastle, not to mention turning doorknobs or working hinges, because I have only made lazy man’s sandcastles: buckets of wet sand turned upside down on the beach!

This might be one of your best pieces yet; one of my literary heroes, Ernest Hemingway, amply demonstrated that a short story can be just as compelling and thoughtfully developed as a novel, and I think this one certainly is!

If you turned out something this good now, I can hardly wait for your long-anticipated backstory on Chris and Chrissy!