2 months, 15 days ago
2 months, 15 days ago
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Chapter 8
Published 2 months, 15 days ago

Explicit Violence

The medicine cat of Riverclan receives a prophecy but keeps to herself because she is afraid that if she shared possible harm could be done to the clans. Read to find out what happens!

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Chapter 8

Nauseacrawl was dead. The rocks around the river that separated Thunderclan and Riverclan territory covered an ugly scent of dogs and death. The warriors who had found her moved the rocks around to find where the stench was coming from, only to see Nauseacrawl, lifeless, surrounded by dogs 5 times her size, also lifeless. Everyone mourned while Briarflower sat in the back of the clearing,

At last Skullstar jumped on top of the Wet rock and yowled, ̈All cats old enough to swim the rapids gather beneath the Wet Rock for a clan meeting!¨ 

Sleeping cats came crawling out of their dens. Bearclaw laid beside Nauseacrawl, crying as she groomed Nauseacrawls pelt.

 As other cats gathered around they gasped and Skullstar jumped off the Wet Rock to Nauseacrawls body. ̈Our deputy joined Starclan, we found remains of dogs and we assume that is the cause of her death..¨ He announced at last.

 "I will sit vigil for her..¨ Bearclaw meowed as she curled her tail around her paws, looking down at Nauseacrawls lifeless body. 

¨Before I announce who our new deputy is, we must share tongues with Nauseacrawl for the final time.¨ Skullstar said, moving forward to Nauseacrawl as everyone else inched forward.  

After sharing tongues with Nauseacrawl Skullstar jumped back onto the Wet rock, almost slipping as rain had begun to pour down on the mourning cats, flushing out the scent of fear, death, blood and grief. 

Skullstar breathed heavily before he spoke, ¨I say this before Starclan and Nauseacrawl hoping they hear and approve of my choice," he said as he looked around at the cats in the clearing. ¨The deputy of Riverclan shall be..¨