4 months, 6 days ago
4 months, 6 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 6 days ago

Where I'll post my written stuff for Cccat event writing

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Friendship Anniversary (WC: 461)

Agni wasn't sure what he thought he was going to see when he left his room in the shared apartment he lived in with his human friend, but finding some kind of confection fashioned after his head with...licorice? as his dangling crowns hadn't been high on the list. Far from being weirded out however; he did laugh and call out "ah...Kyuuna why is my...head on a plate in the dining room?". The younger woman cheerfully smiled from the kitchen as she turned around "its a cake to commemorate our becoming friends!". Then she laughed "I forgot if you said whether Cccats celebrate a 'birthday' with how you guys well...become what you are n all, so I thought back to the day we met and decided that could work as a replacement!". This declaration actually warmed what would be Agni's heart as he pulled what Cccats usual attempt at a smile when in their natural state "that's really kind of you actually; I appreciate this Ky". 

Unlike how he 'smiled' the humanoid beamed happily at the comments "thanks big guy! I wasn't sure what flavor cake you'd like to try so I got one box of strawberry and one of lemon, then sorta swirled em together before baking". Then she giggled watching him hold out his arm next to the cake as he responded "how'd you make the outside colored like me then?". Her answer making him pull a very human facepalm "found blueberry purple and Raspberry blue frosting!" then they both ended up laughing at his question and her reply "why are they called blueberry when they are apparently purple?". Kyuuna shrugging laughing "no idea, fresh ones are green in the middle when you slice em too but they mash up purple". Though Agni did see the several bandaids on her fingers as her hands became visible "what happened to your hands?". 

Causing her to look at them "oh ah...was trying to use a lighter to melt the licorice strings to make em look more like your crowns; only singed myself a lil though, few days with some burn relief n I'll be fi-". She would have continued but her much bigger friend had walked up and bopped her on the forehead with a distinct 'pop' of palm to skull "you said you'd be more careful". Kyuuna rubbed her forehead chuckling "hey it wasn't like the 'flaming cheese incident' after watching some dude recreate old recipes at least?" quickly holding her hands up in surrender when he sat on his haunches with arms crossed "ok ok will be more careful in the future I promise!". Agni shifting to his more humanoid appearance as he quirked an eyebrow "you better, we don't need you almost 'OPPA!'ing the kitchen to Unseen again...".