Orphan Prompt 21/6

12 days, 22 hours ago
12 days, 22 hours ago
1 632

Chapter 1
Published 12 days, 22 hours ago

Today is a normal day

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Chapter 1

The sun had risen on yet another day. Aysa stretched her body, lithe and agile, a yawn on her face, and a sprinkle of dust marking her white fur. 

She could hear a few others bustling around outside, performing some ritual or another most likely. Perhaps Aysa’s mother would be back today, but it had been such a long pilgrimage that the likelihood of today being the day of her return seemed… Unlikely at best.

Today would be just like any other.

She nosed her way out of her tent, grand and spacious as it was, it was not a place to spend whole days within. A chorus of greetings met her ears as she emerged. Casual and fleeting glances from their permanent members. Gawking and staring from the newcomers. 

Aysa gave a quick flourish of the roses along her back just to see their expressions and eyes widen further. A gentle smirk rising on her maw. 

“Oracle A” A voice startles her from right next to her ear. She stumbles a step away in surprise, and the voice does the same. His bright green eyes wide with frantic energy that never seems to leave him.

“Cero…” Aysa replies, a bored inflection to her voice.

“The Maker-” Cero begins frantically, but Aysa doesn't let him get further.

“Today is like any other day C, no signs to report today.” 

“Are you sure A?”

“Absolutely.” Aysa confirms. She turns looking out to the forest around them. It's a sunny morning, the air clear enough that it doesn't feel like they will receive any rain today.  

“In fact, I'm going for a walk.” She doesn't wait for Cero’s reply, simply striding into the trees. She can hear him spluttering a little behind her, and she wouldn't be surprised if he or someone else follows for ‘protection.’

But its a nice day out, and she's a Oracle, a miracle. 

There's a shimmer in the air, a sparkling purple-blue and some colour shes never even seen, and would never know how to describe. A flash of knowledge far too great, a pain in her left ear, a screech of iron claws and broken promises. The world is sidewards, upside down and maybe its all upright all at once.

The rift is all around her and it's all around everything. Everyone's she's ever known and never known and there's a cub or maybe there isn't but they are crying and so is she.

She can hear her mothers voice and she's yelling at her to check on the Others and Aysa doesnt think any longer. She picks up the cub and runs back to the tents.

There are lions there, and she has a moment of non-recognition. But they are still her group. The Maker’s cats. But some of them look different. But thats still Cero. And thats still Didina. But where is Q, and Yalina and Doli? Who is Q and Yalina? Have they ever had a Q?

Someones missing but everyones here.

The cub is wriggling in her mouth and she places them down. The cub seems too startled to hiss or fight but they meet her gaze with the careful blankless of not having any clue who you are looking at or what they want. She returns the gaze.

Is it a normal day today? It feels like it wasnt but she cant remember why…

(563/500 words)

(Sort of explanation, Aysa's mother can fourth wall break and has been 'looking' for the writer over the last time period of me not writing for VOK, and as Im changing and altering a lot of characters a sort of big quick restart/debug of the universe happens and some characters can sense the change as such even though they wont exactly know what happened)