Glory and Devotion

1 month, 11 days ago
1 month, 11 days ago
1 1206

Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 11 days ago

Callum was raised in a family that heavily worships their creator, the Weaver. However, things seem to not be as harmonious as he was told. Is his endless devotion truly worth it all?

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The Whisper

Follow...come...I bare a gift.

Callum's ears twitched as he laid across his bed, a large piece of furniture covered with pillows and clothes while thin sheets draped around the edges from the ceiling. It was far too elegant for someone in this realm, though rarely looked down upon.

He had been initially resting, however he couldn't get himself to keep his mind silent as that urge beckoned him once more.

Come to me.

"What an annoyance," Callum groans. He quickly stuffed his muzzle into his forearm, ears pinned back and tail fanned out. He was in the middle of his beauty rest, and here he found himself restless.

After a few seconds of though, the elysiphim pulled himself up off of his bed, climbing onto the floor so she could stretch out the last bits of sleep running through his muscles. So much for his streak...

No matter.

His beautiful coat of blue, white, black, and gold began to grow warm in the sunlight through his window. A nice and long stretch, and perhaps a few ugly feathers to pluck. His pelt displayed a much similar pattern to a few of the beaked creatures in the Elysium, commonly known as the bluejay. And Callum took this similarity with pride. How joyous for him to be compared to such a gorgeous, elegant bird much like himself.

As he was too busy fawning and gloating over himself, he didn't even notice that his blue-furred companion had awoken shortly after him. It stretched across the floor from its own bed, large tail poofint straight up into the air as its body worked out of its sluggish mind.

"Astarion, good morning." Callum greeted.

The small carbuncle squeaked in response before finally straightening itself out. Astarion looked up at its companion, then grinned. "What disturbs you?" It asked.

Callum frowns at the quickness of the other's eye. "I feel something. A calling, or perhaps an urge..." he mumbles, glancing off to the shadows. He didn't seem to concerned, maybe almost more proud, but he did not like the idea of his dragging him from his home.

Astarion raised a brow, tail flicking into the air before it tilted its head. "A calling, hm? Could it maybe be that you're just hungry? You never finished your breakfast."

Callum grit his teeth, "I did not. This voice has been calling me since then." He sighs, "it begs of me to go to Eden."

"Then go! Perhaps its Ekzekiel summoning you."

"Ekzekiel would not make me fly all the way to the grass of Eden just to speak with me...would he?" Callum's expression was mixed with confusion and doubt, but there was also a hint of excitement. "Whatever, I'll go. But I expect you to stay here. Akheilos is arriving and I don't want my mother's new pet to become the sacrifice...that and you're good with him." He smirks.

Despite Astarion giving Callum a sour look, it reluctantly nodded and sat back down. "I trust you will not be gone long? The thought of losing fur to that little thing..."

Callum grins, "you will hardly lose any fur. Just keep him company, Asta~"

After a bit more smalltalk Callum pushed his way through the door of his room, walking through the halls of his home. It was about as stereotypical as any rich man's home, but it wasn't anything he paid for or earned. He was born into such a large home, and he loved it.

Callum made his way through the hall, entering the large open room that greeted guests with an extravagant chandelier and many portaits. It was quite a sight, and impressive for a home in the Elysium. This glorified angel would never get enough.

To me...

Damn this voice.

Callum eventually took flight. He pushed himself into the skies, legs kicking as he went higher and higher, finally letting himself glide once he was comfortable with his height. For awhile he flew, taking in the warm sun on his back and wings while he made his way to the golden grass of Eden. And my, was it ever stunning.

However, he did not spot the angel he was hoping to meet nearby, nor did he hear his voice.  But still the voice continued. Come...come!

The elysiphim sneered, turning his wings to aim for the higher hills of Eden. Eventually this landed him by a glistening golden tree, one that was often not spoken of. Callum knew little of it, but as he climbed up onto a branch he felt a sudden uneasiness.

"You want to know. I know it all." The voice whispered.

Callum's ears turned back, his body away from the center of the tree as he looked for where the voice came from. "Know what, exactly? Where you the one calling for me?"

"Yes, yes! You must want to know. The Weaver, it lies to you. I know this is true." The voice slithered out from the branches, and it revealed a small skink. This creature grinned widely at Callum, yet this smile felt far from trusting. Especially after a sentence like that.

"Bold of a creature as mink as you to say lies like that." Callum sneers, his attitude quickly going to his chest. However, the small skink only kept its grin.

"I don't lie! I have proof. Want it?"

Before Callum could even give an answer, the skink slithered away into the branch. And before he could process it, the small creature returned with a golden fruit in its claws.

"Eat. Eat and know everything." It coaxed to him. Callum may have listened to such a voice, strangely becoming soothing the more he listened. It reminded him of his mother when he was nothing but a bundle of feathers, however he could not fall so easily to such a voice that spoke lowly of the Weaver.

Callum stared at the fruit, gritting his teeth when he only saw his reflection. "You tempt me out of my nap, make me fly all the way up to these hills, and shove a fruit in my face all while spreading lies about the Weaver? Have you lost brains, you small thing? If not for the Weaver, our existence would be naught."

The skink sneered, "believe what you wish, but I do encourage you to eat. Your life will not be the same for long."

And with that, the skink was gone. Callum could only glare at the fruit, growling quietly at the words that scratched at his brain. The Weaver does not lie. It would never. Not to him and his family, or its other devoted.

"What ridiculous nonense...a waste of my time." Callum looks at the fruit in disgust. This? This held those lies that the skink nagged about? If he were stupid, his curiosity might have tempted him to bite it. But he took his devotion seriously. And so, the branch he stood on became soaked in the wet juices of the golden fruit, a mix of yellow and purple staining the wood.

Whatever "knowledge" was withheld in such a cursed food was not good. He quickly turned away and fled from the tree, keeping his innocent...for now.