Vok: Mapenzi Scrolls (Ret.)

4 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
24 14296

Chapter 10
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

A place where Safiri & Pride Members can store their memories with their mates. (Retired)

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Scroll #10

Chisai xBarakoa:

It was devil’s night at the bazaar that lead Chisai to be a father and well have family issues ever since. But now it was time the lion to reinvent himself and find a new and spectacular life. As Chisai trotted onward through a hidden path he started noticing beautiful roses on the isle. He had definitely taking a wrong turn fifty miles back as he mulled over his past life choices and how he was being judged as part of the reason why a lion died.

As the male’s tail lashed about with bitter annoyance now that he was probably stuck in some foreign territory or a king’s garden, he felt the need to mutter under her breath his insolence. Until he ran straight into lioness with the pelt the color of coal. She was absolutely stunning so much that his jaw had accidentally locked up when he jumped back and rammed his face into a tree.Chisai quickly hopped up and tried to utter his sincerest apologies but his lips wouldn’t moved. Till he signaled for her to help him. He grunted angrily as it was finally cracked back into place and he finally took a few breaths to calm down.

“Thank you... And I am deeply sorry for that. I’m quite lost I suppose as I am more of a desert grassland lion.” He said teasingly while shaking out his fur accidentally sending a spray of sand her way.

“Sorry!!! I’m Chisai, What’s your name baby girl?” He asked plucking a rose for her.

Barakoa frequently patrolled the Isle of Roses territory on her own. Though she was technically a Heir in the Isle of Roses, she generally fulfilled the role of a Soldier. Following her patrol route, she turned a corner...

...and ran straight into a lion she'd never seen before. The black and tan lioness stumbled backwards, blinking as she watched the male jump backwards, smacking his face straight into a tree. She couldn't help chuckling as he righted himself, looking over his unique appearance with interest. When he tried to speak and failed, Barakoa indulged her curiosity and took a brief gander at his thoughts. She didn't dig too far, not wanting to be intrusive, but he was an attractive male (even if she was trying not to just be thinking about him on a surface level, because she didn't even know him), and she was eager to know if he had any similar thoughts about her.

Besides, it did confirm to her that he had managed to lock his jaw when he smacked his face, though she still waited for him to signal for her before she helped.

Stepping up, with a bit of effort she managed to help him crack it open, chuckling when he thanked her. "It's not a problem," Barakoa answered, even though she knew it technically was, since rogues weren't allowed in their territory. She wasn't normally one to be charmed so easily, but then again, the Heir had never had anyone show any attraction towards her before. She winced a little when he accidentally shook sand onto her, but she still ended up chuckling. "My name is Barakoa."

She flushed a little when he picked a rose for her (not that you could tell with her dark fur), knowing he couldn't know the implications of such an action within the Isle of Roses but still being flustered by it nonetheless. Of course, the fact that he called her baby girl probably didn't help her flustered nature.

Maybe it was silly, but Barakoa was desperate to get to know more about this stranger.
