Vok: Mapenzi Scrolls (Ret.)

4 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
24 14296

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

A place where Safiri & Pride Members can store their memories with their mates. (Retired)

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Scroll #6

Chisai and Hemakashi at the bazaar:

“As you wind through the streets at the fabled bazaars.With the cardamom-cluttered stalls.You can smell every spice.While you haggle the price
of the silks and the satin shawls.On another Arabian Night...”
A old lioness was singing this at the top of her lungs more like screeching it to all the newcomers.Chisai had never been to a place like this before and well it was quite intriguing but also intimidating, with all the haggling salesman, and lions twirling fiery batons, charming snakes and well trying to nab all the best deals before the bazaar ended at midnight. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a snake went flying and well he might have went sprinting through a weird alley way.

Chisai managed to get to safety at the quieter aspect of the bazaar. He kinda regretted ditching his friends earlier but this should be interesting. Chi continued glancing about looking for exit but found it of no use until a soft lavender incense drifted softly through his nostrils. He couldn’t help but follow it to a gorgeous golden tent with soft orange emblems strewn about.Chisai paws dragged him onward like a siren luring a pirate to doom but this was much better it was a small shop that sold assortments and items from all over the world.

Then the mysterious lion approached him with the lavender incense sweeping around them. Chi thought it was a male at first until her angelic voice asked him what he was looking for. His face turned bright red and he gulped,“I-H-Hi... I’m just browsing through and well... Your beautiful... I mean... I.” Chisai decided to shut up before he made it worse.


Hemakshi narrowed her eyes at Chisai. "Right. Well. Let me know if you see anything you like." The golden lioness swept her tail to one side of the stall. "You can find masks over there for the festival tonight."

The orange and white lion blinked at her. "What festival?"

Hemakshi tipped her head at the stranger. "You... you can't be serious." She said. "The Festival of Alshayatin? It's the entire reason why the bazaar is open today."

The lion's eyes widened. "The Festival of Devils?" He questioned incredulously.

Hemakshi couldn't help but grin. "Yes, and aptly named, too. Tonight is the night they walk among us." She hummed. She began to edge toward the side of her stall, motioning for the stranger to follow with a flick of her tail. "You'll want a mask. Devils have a nasty habit of stealing faces, but a mask will protect you. Let me help you look."

So, Hemakshi began to help the small lion look for a mask. Though she wouldn't admit it, she found his flustered antics... cute. Even if it did mean he bumped into just about everything, including her. She did well not to mention it, but subtly teased the poor creature as she helped him try on mask after mask. Eventually, as mask was decided on. Hemakshi stepped back, looking him up and down.

"Hmmm... I think I like you better without the mask, but it suits you." She flashed him a coy grin.

The male shuffled his paws awkwardly. "Th-thank you." He stood there for a moment longer in flustered silence.

Again, Hemakshi tilted her head curiously at him. "Anything else I can help you with?"

The male flushed. "I-I was wondering if... are y-you, I-I mean... w-would you want to go to the f-festival?" He shrank away bashfully. "W-with me, I mean. Tonight?"

Hemakshi smiled warmly. "I'd love to."
