The Jellbian Guidebook

4 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
5 4081 6

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

All of the information about my Jellbians. Still a work in progress. Join the official discord to chat about them, ask about things and have a good time.

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Terms of Ownership

Jellu Loyalist's

Those who have the loyalist role in my discord server or have the official Maker Badge, have to follow this and will be referred to this when making a Jellbian for someone. 

  • Designs must be approved by me before you can make specific adopt's or custom's. When the design is in the wip phase, please consult me about it as well for approval. They must follow all terms below this segment. 
  • You are allowed to hand out MYO Tickets and Custom's but must have a payment attached. 
  • I will be keeping a list of Jellbians and who they currently belong to. 
  • To earn the loyalist rank you must be a close friend of me.

    The Stash Tax
  • For all loyalist's that make jellu's that will specifically be sold, a tax is required. 
  • 20% of the profit earnings will go back to me.
  • If receiving art as a payment, that is fine. For the art payment, my main persona Stashy or another oc of mine must be included in the drawing that is being received to you, can be a small doodle or a part of the image, a cameo. 


  • Do not make a Jellbian if you do not have a MYO or my permission to make any. 
  • Once bought/given to you, the typing cannot be changed. Horns and tail cannot be added either after being made. It would not fit the lore. The outfit can be slightly changed upon ownership of your Jellbian. The main outfit must stay but alternate outfits are welcome to be made. 
  • The user must preferably have Toyhouse, if they have one. I keep all my Jellbians and the ones I make for others in a group, Jellbi. If the user has Toyhouse I require this. Every Jellbian I make, adopts, custom's, personal ones will be added to the world. 
  • When bought or adopted I preferably want them to stick within my universe, if you are using the Jellbian outside of my universe, please let me know what you have in store for them. Anything lore wise refer to the other chapters. If you have any questions about my lore I'd be happy to answer. 
  • I do allow NSFW and gore but keep it within reason as well. Nothing disgusting like fetishes and kink's.

    Trading Agreements/Copyright
  • The Jellbian cannot be sold as profit to another person. 
  • Current lore can be slightly altered. If there was no lore, go ahead and make your own. If there was missing pieces in the bio, go ahead and fill it in. 
  • The previous lore must be credited back to the original owner as well. 
  • The Jellbian can be transferred to other people. I must be notified of who is receiving the Jellbian so I can update my ownership list!
  • If you no longer want the Jellbian and do not wish to trade it away. Don't throw it away. Send it back to me and I will do something with it. 

Terms for Customs and MYO Tickets

  • When buying a custom or MYO Ticket, state what you all want for it. Color type, body type and extras and I'll tell you what you can and cannot have for it. Refer to this Forum: Jellbian Custom and Adoption Center.
  • If you bought a MYO ticket you must draw what you paid for. I must see the wip and finished phase. 
  • I do not do refunds. 
  • If you paid for a custom and are not satisfied with it in the wip phase, I can make slight adjustments. I cannot add extra features once you confirm the order. Example, horns or tail cannot be added after I accept. I can change the outfit but only once after the first time. 

  • Jellbians are an semi open-species made by me. Do not claim the species are your own. 
  • Each and every Jellbian must be credited back to me.
  • If a Jellbian Maker designs one for you, credit the maker and me.
  • I keep a ownership list, as mentioned before as well.
  • All lore that was made for that Jellbian must be kept and credited back to the original owner as well.