Claws and Jaws

4 years, 4 months ago
4 years, 4 months ago
2 709

Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

Envy doesn’t fight with her claws, but that doesn’t make her any less terrifying, especially for Daunt.

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It was easy to stir up Daunt. Too easy, really. With conflicting ideals and such a stubborn outlook on life, Envy knew it was only a matter of time before he tried to argue on the subject.

And, as she (eagerly) anticipated, the argument ended in a fight.

But there was one thing Daunt never seemed to understand, and that was that Envy could fight. Envy was not some weakling who couldn’t hold her own if it came down to it. She could fight if she wanted to, but why on earth would she? She could get everything she wanted without ever lifting a claw, and that was the plan.

The fact that he’d clawed his own face only added to her amusement at the turnout of their fight.

“You’d better not tell,” Daunt huffed at her, causing her to snort in amusement. 

How naive, she thought, looking at the tom’s messed up face. He fails to look at the big picture. That’s what he should be concerned about. 

“Didn’t I say I wouldn’t?” She purred. “Besides, if I told anyone, I’d lose my advantage over you. Right now, you want to make sure I don’t embarrass you by telling the truth to anyone. And that, my dear Daunt, is what diplomacy is all about. Who has the better dirt.”

It‘s too easy, she hummed to herself, too easy to get this tom exactly where I want him.

Daunt’s eyes widened comedically, only now truly seeing the sinister side Envy typically hid. Envy snickered as he asked, “What are you?” Oh, how she enjoyed seeing the palpable fear on her face. It was positively delicious.

She grinned down at him like he was a mouse caught in a trap, eyes twinkling almost sadistically. “They call me a god.”