EimyRid Collection

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
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Entry 2
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Collection of oneshots and ficlets featuring Eimyrja and her relationship with Hríd from Intelligent System's "Fire Emblem: Heroes"

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The Better Choice

Hríd watches the knight underneath his service, Magni, trot up to stand beside his childhood friend who also happens to be the one who's been on the prince's mind lately. Eimyrja looks at the knight with caution, leaning away from him a bit like she's expecting him to do something. The noblewoman directs her attention back towards Hríd, and she smiles at him. He swears that smile alone can melt any snow or ice.

Eimyrja starts to speak, "It's impressive that Your Highness can deal with this idiot—" The woman's teasing remark gets cut off when Magni suddenly leans in close to her and darts his tongue out to grossly lick at her unsuspecting cheek. Eimyrja shrieks in disgust, wiping furiously at her now wet cheek before proceeding to slap the male on his shoulder. "You're horrible! Disgusting!Wretched!"

"...Are you wearing makeup?" Magni asks as he can sort of taste and feel... something on his tongue. It's confusing for him since Eimyrja rarely puts on makeup unless for a special occasion.

Eimyrja's face turns pick, and she opts not not to answer that question, instead turning on her heel. "I-I only came here to see how His Highness was doing, but now I'm leaving!"

Hríd watches her walk away, a sinking feeling in his heart with each step she takes, putting more distance in between them. He looks at the knight sworn to him and comments, "I've said it before, but you two are awfully close."

"Makes sense since we've been together since we were little."

"It seems like you two go well together. Do you or have you ever had any interest in pursuing a romantic relation?" The prince asks, almost dreading the answer.

Magni laughs, shaking his head. "With Emi? No way. She isn't my type."

Hríd raises an eyebrow at that. "Really? She's quite lovely though."

"No, I meant— Ah, never mind," the knight waves it off. He may trust and be on good terms with the Niflese prince, but he still isn't ready to tell him that he's only interested in people of the same sex as him. "Why do you ask?" Magni then switches the conversation around. "Are you interested in her? Because if so, I'd rather you marry her than the douchebag she's engaged to."

Hríd's attention snaps up at that last sentence. "She's engaged?"

Magni nods his head, his face scrunching up in disatisfaction. "Not officially yet, but Emi's parents are looking for possible suitors for her to expand their business, and they're close to deciding on some pretentious dick. Honestly, Your Highness, you'd be doing all of us a favour if you decide to court our sweet, little Emi."