Stories & Worlds

3 years, 6 months ago
4 months, 13 days ago
6 3630

Entry 2
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

just extra stuff! some lore exposition and interesting universe titbits, a lot of unfinished stuff here

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Impossible Years

In the summer of 2015, Martha, Addison, and Matthew woke up one morning to find that everyone else had vanished overnight.

Impossible Years is the story that started my OCs, and it's existed far longer than the majority of my characters. Now, it's not the main focus that it once was, and it's role has been relegated to that of a backstory primarily - though it's still fully canon, and the trauma it caused my 3 main OCs is a massive part of their current-day arc.
It is a story featuring various different species of earthlings who all evolved on earth during the time of their people, and it features fierce battles against strange beings known as intruders, and their leader, an enigmatic man calling himself Flick (and later, Ananke).
Martha and her two companions, guided by ancient being Iyalah, travelled the world in search of answers and a solution to the disappearance of their loved ones, scouring through ancient dungeons in search of keys to open the terminus gate, where they would face their final fight against a rogue god known only as Child. This was all in an attempt to end the cycle of cataclysmic events and finally allow humanity to progress.

At the end, it's a pyrric victory that awaits Martha after she loses nearly everyone in her fight for normality. Fortunately, Addison and Matthew are returned to her, though she is forced to say her goodbyes to Iyalah, who she grew to love over the years she was in their life.