
5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
2 309

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

written part of prompts for BIO-fumes

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Origin Story

Peridot is a smol bean who, when he grew old enough to leave his small loving family, decided to head off to into the wild world.

His first day out in the wild was a stressful one. Constantly on the run, he was forced into hiding away from larger Fumis and from other creatures. The following days he also lived in fear, as he had nowhere to go. He couldn't hunt anything, because in his sheltered family life he was not taught how to kill other living creatures. 

On the third day living all on his own, he saw a large building on a nearby hill from where he was. He squinted and saw other Fumi dragons coming in and out of the entrance. He suddenly felt a rush of relief, as he would be safe and sound with his kind. He rushed down the hill, running at full speed, and almost ran into another Fumi. He stood for a few minutes, not knowing what to do, but then cautiously entered what he would later know as the Foghouse.