Fortune of Harara Sidequests

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

More characters will be added as I write more!

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The City Never Sleeps

WC: 341/300

Cherry had looked everywhere.

Everywhere that was physically possible for one Browbird to search, Cherry had gone there. He was searching trees, restaurant back entrances, obscure hotel balconies, market vendor tables, and more- but there was nothing. There was no sign of his pancake fiending, almost seven foot tall himbo satyr boyfriend.

He was well aware that Gavner could likely be on the other side of Harara by now, but he didn’t want to believe it. He didn’t even know why it upset him so much- hell, it was only pancakes; but he’d be damned if he wasn’t able to catch Gavner in the act and call him on it.

The night sky was beautiful. The moon this time around provided no guidance as the lights in the sky had been drowned out with artificial lights of all sorts of neon colors. Sounds, smells, and sights were bound to overwhelm those who weren’t careful- But Cherry was. Spending so much time in a casino cheating people out of their money, you learn to be careful.

Cherry nimbly made his way through the albeit lesser tightly packed crowds with ease. He was able to conceal himself for the most part with his illusion magic, and really only birds with perception magic or otherwise might be able to detect him. He knew what he was looking for, he’d be able to sense if Gavner was nearby. Gavner had one of Clover’s metal lucky trinkets on him, which Cherry had a distinct knowledge of, but the other metals in the area were driving him up the wall with distractions.

Peeking down alleyway after alleyway, he was beginning to get discouraged. Bastard had likely concealed himself in his shadows so that Cherry wouldn’t be able to detect him- only Red had that acute sense when he was hidden like that. After several long hours of winding through tight Hararan city streets, and asking locals if they had seen any of Gavner’s giveaway features, Cherry admitted defeat for tonight.

He’d be back out again tomorrow, anyway.