pond raffle prompt 13

3 years, 9 months ago
776 1 2

Cal hears from an old friend/enemy

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Cal’s fingers were lightning as she pressed buttons and flipped switches. Aiden was being incompitent as usual and almost crashing the ship into everything possible. The police were after them and she really didn’t want to deal with them right now, normally they gave up chasing her by now but whoever was in that ship is very persistent. She heard a ringing noise and looked around, her eye settled on the loot that she had just picked up. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to steal a bunch of phones. She wondered who was calling her, did they actually think she’d return the phones? She zoomed in on the one that was ringing and as she saw who was calling she froze.
“Do you want us to crash!?” she heard Aiden shout as she stopped stabilizing the ship. Cal didn’t say anything as she stared at the phone, she then ran over and picked it up. She was paying Aiden to fly the ship and it really wasn’t that easy to crash, so she answered the phone.
“This is police officer Kit Per-” the voice on the other end started speaking but was interrupted
“Kitty?” Cal couldn’t believe it, she never thought she’d ever speak to her again.
“L-Lily? I-” Kit looked at her phone, of course, of all the people to be chasing. She didn’t know what to say.
“You what, you’re sorry? You think that anything you do could ever make up for it!?” Cal was upset now and Aiden looked at her, but quickly looked back as the ship clipped a rock.
“Listen, just come to the station with me and i’ll make sure you get as little prison time as possible.” Kit knew she couldn’t mess up again or she’d be demoted.
“Oh, oh yes. Do you really think because you set me on this path you can stop me. Well guess what Kitty, I will never forgive you and I’m done trying to protect you, we’re not kids anymore, now go before we blast you to smithereens.” She spat, knowing full well that the guns were down, but Kitty never was very bright.
“C’mon Lily i’m trying to take down the police from the inside, come back! It can be just like the old days!” Kit looked at the officer next to her and shrugged like “whatever gets her in”
“The old days ended a long time ago, you are a selfish person that no one could ever love and I was a fool.” She glanced over at Aiden and he quickly pretended that he wasn’t listening.
“Well you still are if you think your awful pilot or your broken weapons can save you. And you know full well that what happened that night was your fault, I didn’t make you do anything.” Kit spoke in a very condescending tone.
“What is wrong with you. I was willing to cut you some slack, you weren’t doing very well, maybe not thinking clearly. But now, now I know you’re just a jerk. Never call me lily again.” Cal hung up the phone and threw it on the floor and then stabbed it with a spear. She ran over to the chair Aiden was sitting in.
“Move, now.” She tried to push him away but her hands just went right through him, leaving them feeling cold and weird. He got out of the chair, looking very offended. She hopped in and started steering the ship without crashing into anything.
“I’m not that bad of a pilot.” He said dejectedly sitting on the floor, she was in laser focus as she weaved the ship through an asteroid field.
“I know you're not, that’s why I hired you. You just don’t try.” She said and made a very harsh turn, he got up and ran over.
“What are you doing!! You’re going to get us killed!!!” He tried taking the controls but she blew on his hand, clearing the mist creating it.
“No, I'm not. Maybe you’ll learn what you can do when you actually pay attention.”  The ship started flashing warnings and making unsettling noises as they got very close to a star. But she pressed some buttons and the ship zoomed away from the sun as the Police ship was fried, both ships got out of range of the heat but Cal’s ship was the only one still working, even if it was a bit melted.
“Woah” was all Aiden could say as he stared.