Fortune of Harara - Side Quests

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
9 3820

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Explore the city, try the food, meet people, and even take on odd side jobs!


Side Quests for the FoH Celestial-Seas event, featuring Leto!

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Author's Notes

The blistering heat brought on by the sun during the day is normal this time of year in Harara, and while many enjoy the warmth there are those less inclined to go out on the hottest days. However, the city is prepared and there are thankfully many options for those looking for a way to beat the heat. Be it the gorgeous Harara beaches, the wide selection of refreshing drinks and frozen deserts, or the occasional generous frost user casting a chilly spell that offers a few moments of relief. Be aware that all hotels and casinos come with potent air conditioning.

Keeping it Cool

Leto wakes up feeling pleasantly refreshed. The sun streaming in through the hotel room curtains indicate that the morning is well under way, so he throws off the blankets and dresses himself for the day.

Down in the lobby, the clerk waves at him cheerfully. “Looks like it’s gonna be a hot one today!” they tell him. “Try and keep cool out there, alright? Breakfast is in the dining room until eleven, if you’re sticking around.”

“Thank you!” Leto exclaims, heading into the dining room to grab himself something quick. One muffin and a glass of milk later, he feels ready to tackle anything the day can throw at him.

That all changes the moment he steps outside the lobby door. Thick, humid air nearly pushes Leto backward into the doors and the sun bears down from above, forcing the blue browbird to shield his eyes. Not that it helps much, the polished tan stones on the ground reflect the light blindingly.

Leto decides that he can’t let the summer heat stop him from enjoying his vacation, so he pushes onward into the market street anyway. The people around him flit from one shop to another, taking advantage of the air conditioned interior whenever they can. Leto spots something that interests him in one window, and slips into the store.

The bell over the door rings, announcing his arrival. The cool air finally lets him breathe for a moment, but Leto is a man on a mission and he hurries over to the rack that displays swimsuits for browbirds.

Ten or so minutes later sees Leto as the proud owner of a brand new swimsuit, a flotation ring, and a fluffy Harara themed beach towel. With his purchases in hand, he follows the small crowd toward the beach.

He finds himself a nice spot underneath a public umbrella, sharing the shade with a satyr couple, and he hurriedly spreads out his new towel before leaving to find a restroom to get changed.

The swimsuit fits like a charm, and Leto is pleasantly surprised to find that it has waterproof pockets, so he slips his pocket change and room card into the pocket and zips it up. Once back to his spot, he sits down and sets about inflating his floatation ring. 

The satyr couple are kind enough to offer to watch his stuff while he goes off to play, so Leto races down the hot sand and jumps into the water with his tail wagging. Finally, the heat is bearable! He slips under his ring and pops out through the middle, hooking both arms over the edge and kicking back to face the bright summer sun.

Author's Notes

Thanks for reading!! <3