beach day!

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

some pacas go to the beach

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Chapter 1

Honey was walking with Shanaya, as they both were mingling” oh come on! Beach will be fun! And I think that meeting a pacapiller with a fish tail!” the white pacapiller nodded and said” it is bizarre and beautiful!” they daydreamed and walked around on the beach trail to go down. And as they slid down to the shore, seeing Lavie and cranberry sitting on some towels, enjoying the sun. As they skidded over and then they put their towels down, waiting for charlotte. 

They heard some splashing and cranberry looked up from blowing up his floaty. They all get to the water and watch as the water settles and they all shrug” dolphins?”” honey suggested meekly, not thinking of anyone else it could be. But then they got closer as cranberry filled up the rest of his floaty… and suddenly, they were splashed in the face by a large tail fin. 

They all cry out as Charlotte comes up and laughs. They all laughed and Shanaya jumped into the water with floaties on her nubs and cranberry was on his floatie as he got a tan with a visor. Charlotte was swimming around following honey as he swam with his beach ball.” so , would you consider the ocean cool?” Charlotte thought and said” yes and no, the oceans cool, but hot sand is nice!” they both nod and smile, honey pushed the beach ball to charlotte and she pushed it back.

Lavie and Hara were playing volleyball and bouncing it back and forth as honey watched. Cranberry was almost asleep as he sunbathed, and Shanaya was diving up and down and bringing back seashells and little crabs. She would drop them and watch them go down again. She did this as everyone watched her bring up shells. They all looked around and were trying to find prettier shells, but they have been failing

Also as honey was throwing the ball, Charlotte grabbed it and splashed it towards honey,covering his entire body except the parts where it was already wet. Hr cried out in a cold cry. She laughed as he shook off and took cranberry’s floatie. Cranberry cried out and gasped out” thats cold!” Everyone sniggered and jumped out as he shook off most of the water and went to his cooler. They all laughed as Shanaya got up to join cranberry.

Honey got up onto the shore and rolled over, his belly facing the sky. He smiled as he felt the warm sun against his belly. Bees started to loll around his head, laying every once in a while, making it seem like bees were eating him. Hara threw sandwich pieces which Charlotte caught in her mouth as Lavie played with the beachball. Everything seemed pretty chill, and made everyone feel like the summer was being well spent.

 As honey laid, a little radio started to play a little tune♭perfect, perfect, wouldn't change thing about you, perfect perfect you were made for me♭ honey rolled over and went over to the aido and started to spin around, going into the beat as everyone watched for a second, the bees floating in tune as well. Shanaya came over and started to jump and spin and twirl with honey as they both sang along with a happy tune. 

Cranberry came over with lavie and hara and started to dance too, all in different ways, hara began to act like a bucking bull, but as a dance move, and lavie was doing the worm and singing as she did it, and charlotte started to splash around back and forth. Honey moved the radio over Charlotte and they all started to sing along as they danced and threw around the beachball.

They all looked around and started to relax as a little plumed paca was walking down and yelled” hey!!” he had a blue floating and little diving rings, and he smiled as he threw one into the water, which honey protected the radio from. They all looked at each other as honey shrugged and dived in as well to get a ring as well, because he was bored, because his drink was frozen, and he wanted to shake things up.

As he dived under, he noticed how beautiful the sea was, there were so many colorful things under the clear salty blue. Bright green, coral pink, and many different oranges. As he dived more, he saw a blinking dive toy, so he started to doggy paddle over to the ring. Honey passed different fishes and oddities and very colorful coral. He had to squeeze the little blinking toy out with his little sticky nubs. As he grabbed it, he swam up and held it up, and he saw that everyone else was looking for rings too. Honey got back up on the hot fine beach, and the bees started to loll around his little honey head.

As cranberry and lavie came up, they both threw theirs back in and dives back down, honey started to tap his nubs as a new song came up. The soda, which was completely frozen, was now full of little droplets falling down to the sand, which seems to drink it up, which honey did to the soda gladly as he watched how everyone was playing with all the toys they brought. And as he finished the drink, he got up and dived in again, trying to splash everyone.

As the sun went down, the pacapillars all went to pack up the toys and floaties. Yeet and hara were taking all the floaties, and cranberry was taking all the towels. They all chilled out as they put everything away” this was really fun! We should do it again!” all the pacapillars agreed as shanaya brings the radio into the rest of things. They say bye to Charlotte as they start to leave. They all look back and they all smile at each other. This is just one day, and they had so much fun…

And that is just one day.