T06 - used

3 years, 8 months ago

Where has your group decided to establish a main 'base'? What makes it a good spot to call home?

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The camp for Sycamoreclan resides in the forest between a large river and a wide meadow. Their territory is somewhat small, but it suits them well for being such a tiny clan. Although they have small numbers, they are strong together. They make their dens out of the hollow trees, fallen trees, and trunks of trees that were cut down by Twolegs. Luckily for the cats, Twolegs no longer roam the area and they're safe.

The leader's den is in the widest hollow tree, although it's a very short tree considering that one cat doesn't need much space. However, there is some space allowed just in case the leader has a family. Currently, that hasn't ever occurred.

The warrior and apprentice dens are meshed together out of multiple fallen trees pulled together on top of boulders. This creates a wide space and lots of shelters to stay out of the rain. There aren't many members at the moment, but there's enough room for at least 50 cats.

The medicine cat den is a tree trunk, which is perfect for storing herbs. Only the medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice sleep in the trunk, so their patients have to sleep by a shrub outside with a makeshift stick roof.