T05 - used

3 years, 7 months ago

What nearby groups live around yours? Whether its enemy/NPC threats/herds/other players groups/ect

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There is an abundance of animals found in Sycamoreclan's territory. Due to the large amount of territory they currently have, there is a wide variety of animals that the clan cats might come across.

The most common prey animals in the forest are robins, pigeons, woodpeckers, squirrels, mice, and toads. Occasionally, if cats are lucky enough they might be able to catch rabbits, weasels, and snakes. These more uncommon prey are seen as delicacies. There is also a river that travels through their territory. The most common prey animals found by or in the river are water voles, trouts, carps, and minnows.

The most common predators or dangers in the forest are owls, hawks, vultures, rogue groups, loners, foxes, wolves. The large birds are seen as predators, but a large enough group of cats can take down one of them to use as prey. Outside cats haven't been too much of a problem for Sycamoreclan, and all of the clan cats used to be outsiders. Although the clan cats are wary of the outsiders, they're always welcome if their intentions are good. Fortunately, foxes and wolves are rare to come across in the forest so they usually don't bother the cats.