T15 - used

3 years, 9 months ago

How does your group respond to territorial threats and how aggressive are they about enforcing them?

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The cats of Sycamoreclan are very open and welcoming to outsiders. This clan is very peaceful and wants to extend their kindness to any cats that may roam in the area. They even offer to allow the cats to join them if they truly wish. In fact, all of the cats currently in Sycamoreclan used to be rogues, loners, or kittypets. In a few generations, perhaps the entire clan will be pureblood Sycamoreclan cats and a couple of former outsider cats.

Sycamoreclan doesn't mind loners or rogues. Loners are free to roam wherever they wish and possibly join the clan. Rogues can also roam and join the clan, but the clan cats have to be warier of rogues. Since they travel in groups, there is the possibility that a new clan or power could rise up and go against Sycamoreclan for the territory.

The territory is very far away from any Twolegplaces, so kittypets are very rare. However, there are some that arrive and come from a very long way. Most of them have gotten lost and need to go back or wish to leave their comfortable life. Either way, the clan cats are always willing to help a kittypet and even welcome them into the clan. So far, Sycamoreclan does not have any former kittypets.