Warrior Cats OC Lore

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
3 7837

Entry 3
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

The connective tissue between all my WC Ocs

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The Plot

This is more a draft to keep track of the events I've come up with for these ocs, and not a story in the sense of like... interesting prose. Just a plot dump, and I'll craft the real actual story later! Maybe.

*** PLEASE NOTE: Any reference to Solemnstorm and Sunpaw/splash's relationship is PURELY familial. They are close brothers. Thats it. 


Solemnstorm's mother gets separated from her group- the Sisters, and is hit by a car. She manages to drag herself away to give birth, but she and most of her litter die. A RiverClan patrol finds the deceased she-cat and kits, and the one remaining live kit. They bury the mother and kits, and bring the orphan back to the clan. Silverstar's mate, Bramblespring, just endured her own tragedy as two of her three kits succumbed to a sickness. She immediately took to the orphaned kit, bringing Solemnkit up as her own alongside her blood kit, Sunkit. 

Main story:


Solemnstorm finished his training as a warrior, to the playful annoyance of his adopted brother Sunpaw, who is stuck in his apprenticeship as a medicine cat despite being the older of the two. Solemnstorm reflects on the hard leaf-bare that has left their clan vulnerable. It is rumored that Silverstar is on his last life and worse, Foxnose, the deputy, is fighting for his life after falling from some rocks. The talk of the clan is who is going to take Foxnose's place as deputy if he dies. Perchtail, a fierce and ambitious warrior, has his eye on the position. He fears however, his tumultuous relationship with Solemnstorm, the leader's adopted son, will have hurt his chances. He attempts to bond with Solemnstorm to make amends, and while the grey tom doesn't truly forgive the seasons of taunting about his true parentage, he does go to endorse Perchtail to his father, not wanting any bad blood between him and any of his clanmates, and knowing he is a favorite among his clanmates, despite Solemnstorm's personal feelings. 

Sunpaw expresses fears to Solemnstorm that his mentor, the eccentric she-cat Silentcry, is going crazy in her old age. He notes that she seems to be looking for signs in everything, and is always muttering about something or another. Sunpaw isn't impressed with the ideas of omens. He sees no point in making big deals over the shape of the clouds or formation of mouse droppings, but he has to at least pretend to appease his mentor and get his full medicine cat name before she dies. Solemnstorm jokes that she's probably making up signs to make herself seem important, and that gives Sunpaw an idea. That night he sneaks out of camp, initially intending to fake an innocent enough sign for Silentcry to interpret that would tell her to give him his full name, but as he patrols, he sees a ShadowClan hunting party in RiverClan territory. Thinking quick, he runs back to camp and wakes Silentcry up. He points out the blood red moon, a lunar eclipse, and says he senses it means trouble, and when a cloud passes over it, he saws "A shadow.... maybe that means ShadowClan?" Silentcry takes this report to Silverstar, who organizes a night patrol to investigate. The RiverClan patrol ambushes the small ShadowClan party and drive them out. Perchtail wants to chase them back to their camp, but Silverstar insists he let them lick their wounds, and he'll bring it up at the gathering the next day. Silentcry praises Sunpaw for his interpretation of the sign, and promises to give him his full name at the next full moon gathering. Solemnstorm congratulates his brother, who keeps his act of deception to himself. 

The clans are shocked when no one from ShadowClan show up to the gathering. Perchtail yowls that they're cowards before Silverstar hushes him. He warns the clans that ShadowClan was found in their territories, and they should double patrols just incase. Midnightstar of ThunderClan reluctantly starts the gathering without them when hes pressed that they're wasting moonlight. While RiverClan is at the gathering, Foxnose succumbs to his injuries. The cats mourn, and the following morning as Foxnose is brought out of camp to be buried, Silverstar makes Perchtail his deputy, giving a nod to Solemnstorm. 

A few moons pass for the clans. ShadowClan has not been caught on RiverClan land again, but they have increased their scent markers. They still do not show up to gatherings, and Midnightstar reports he sent some cats to do a welfare check but they were ravaged and chased out before they got a few pawsteps into ShadowClan's territory. Sunpaw has, as promised, been given his full medicine cat name- Sunsplash. Strangely, Sunsplash mentions that the ShadowClan medicine cat, Hollowfall, does come to the half moon meetings, but gives no reports on why his clanmates refuse to come to gatherings. Sunsplash also mentions that the tom looks ragged and aged beyond his years. He suspects there's something dark going on in ShadowClan, but when Solemnstorm presses on what he thinks it may be, Sunsplash just shrugs and decides ShadowClan isn't his problem, RiverClan is. One day, Sunsplash notices Silentcry is acting oddly, looking into the distance and digging through their herb stores. She mutters about blood and wounds and sickness that they can't shake. She stiffly walks past Sunsplash, out of their den, with the young medicine cat following after. Their argument catches the attention of their clanmates, who come to see whats going on. Silentcry is screeching at this point, but all of it is nonsense, and finally, she drops, twitches, and dies. Sunsplash is horrified, has no clue what killed his mentor. Silverstar reassures his son, gently jokes that Silentcry was the cat who delivered him, that she lived a long life and StarClan probably just wanted her for their own. The event however, makes Sunsplash uneasy, and he tries to decipher through what she was saying. He discusses this with Solemnstorm. He suspects she found another one of her prophecies, something she believed foretold of great tragedy and pain for the clan. 

One morning, Duskstripe and Heroncall barrel into camp yowling for Sunsplash. Perchtail follows shortly after, dragging the bloody corpse of Silverstar. Both of them are full of scratches and wounds. Sunsplash tries vainly to revive Silverstar as Perchtail explains they were ambushed by ThunderClan, his story backed up by Duskstripe and Heroncall. An uproar breaks out through the clan. Silverstar's wounds are intense, this was the work of a murder, not an accidental killing. Sunsplash shakily declares Silverstar is dead, and quells the calls for war from his clanmates. He asks where the ThunderClan patrol is now, and Perchtail promises he chased them back across the border. Sunsplash suggests they leave it for now, and when Perchtail seems ready to object, he interrupts the tom by saying he will need to rest so they can go to the moonstone to receive his nine lives. Perchtail vows to his clanmates that this murder won't go unpunished, but agrees that it will be a fight for another day. Solemnstorm is distraught. They had recently lost their mother to sickness in the camp, and now they've likewise lost their father. Him and Sunsplash mourn together, but when Solemnstorm is grooming Silverstar's corpse, he notices he can't find a trace of ThunderClan scent.

Perchtail brings Heroncall to accompany their trip to the moonstone. Sunsplash leads the way, but makes note that the warrior seems impatient, and quietly wishes that Solemnstorm had come with. The nine lives ceremony is a disaster. Sunsplash witnesses as Perchtail is surrounded by hissing warrior ancestors, refusing his nine lives for the murder of Silverstar. The ceremony ends as a storm outside starts, lightening striking nearby. Perchtail, now insisting on the name Perchstar, pins Sunsplash down, and threatens to kill him and Solemnstorm next if he tells anyone what they saw. He enlists Heroncall to watch him. As the cats come back, Solemnstorm can tell his brother is stressed, but Perchstar sends him on patrol before he can speak to his brother. 

With Silverstar gone, Perchstar's attitude towards Solemnstorm has changed drastically. Solemnstorm isn't allowed to sleep with the other warriors- he isn't clan born, and Perchstar insists his larger size takes up too much room. Solemnstorm is also given the harder patrols, and is chastised for any small misstep. Sunsplash is clearly at ends with Perchstar, who belittles the medicine cat. When another sickness sweeps through the clan, Perchstar makes a big scene of claiming Sunsplash isnt trying hard enough, and that Silentcry wouldn't have let this happen. Things reach a breaking point when Solemnstorm gets back from a solo hunting patrol to find a clan meeting in session. Heroncall is dragging Sunsplash out of his den, and claims that the medicine cat was attempting to poison Perchstar. Sunsplash denies this, but Perchstar had spent the previous moon sowing as much distrust as him as possible, that the only cat to stand up for him is Solemnstorm. Perchstar sneers that of course the nonclan cat would defend him trying to kill their leader. When Perchstar moves to strike Sunsplash for seeming to imply something about a secret, Solemnstorm leaps between them and catches Perchstar in a grapple. The leader is bowled over and overpowered at first by the larger tom, but soon finds his footing and fights back, shredding through Solemnstorm's fur. When the two manage to break briefly, Solemnstorm whirls around and picks up his smaller brother by his scruff before dashing out of RiverClan's camp, running as fast as he can until they unknowingly cross the ThunderClan border. A ThunderClan patrol finds them, and carry the exhausted warrior back to camp, with Sunsplash following. 

The ThunderClan deputy is outraged at the two's intrusion into their territory. Perchstar had been making vague threats at them, harassing their border patrols, and accusing their cats of murder. Willowtail, the ThunderClan medicine cat, insists they hear them out. After all, Sunsplash is a medicine cat. Medicine cats are permitted to cross borders with the accompaniment of a warrior. It is odd, she notes, that said warrior was injured. Sunsplash wants to speak privately with Midnightstar and Willowtail, however, and they agree to wait for Solemnstorm to recover. Until they talk though, the two are confined to the medicine cat den- if nothing else but to quell the fears of the camp. When Solemnstorm wakes up, they have their meeting with the ThunderClan authority, Littlegoose insisting to be allowed in as well. Midnightstar is severely troubled by the news of Perchstar's power. He agrees to shelter the two, but their place in ThunderClan must be kept secret as to not  cause too much trouble before they understand what is going on. Willowtail is troubled that Sunsplash had been chased out, leaving RiverClan without a medicine cat, especially as leafbare is coming. Before the meeting is adjourned, Sunsplash reveals that Perchstar was rejected by StarClan, and thus only has one life. Midnightstar considers this, but with leafbare coming, his clan can't afford a fight with the more well fed RiverClan, and he assumes Perchstar's clanmates won't take too kindly to them bursting into camp to murder their leader- no matter how crooked he may be.

Solemnstorm becomes decently close to the ThunderClan leader, the two sharing night time talks. Solemnstorm expresses how much he misses RiverClan, and while hes grateful that ThunderClan is offering them shelter, he feels unsettled without the river nearby. Midnightstar admits hes suprised Solemnstorm considers RiverClan a home, with how ostracized he'd been the past few moons. He reveals his mother had been an outsider to the clans, who ThunderClan took in for her to have her kitting, but she left abruptly, leaving her kits behind. He sympathizes that he knows how it feels to be seen as less of a clanmate, and finishes that if things don't work out in RiverClan, he'd always be welcome in ThunderClan. The brothers are asked to stay in camp while Midnightstar leads his clan to the gathering. Solemnstorm stays up, anxious, and is suprised when the clans come home early. Midnightstar reports that Perchstar claimed Solemnstorm and Sunsplash were dangerous rogues, and were to be killed on sight. The ThunderClan leader notes that Perchstar did have a sizeable gash on his neck, and Solemnstorm admits he'd attacked him in defense of his brother. Midnightstar also notes ShadowClan still was not present, and after a bit, suggests to Solemnstorm that he go investigate the lost clan. Sunsplash overhears this plan, and insists he go with, and the following morning, the brothers set out to find out where ShadowClan has gone.


Despite the heavy border markers, which the brothers roll in to conceal their scent, there is very little presence in ShadowClan territory. They keep a wide berth, eventually finding the camp. ShadowClan's camp is dreadfully bare. Snowhare, the deputy, is ragged looking. He is clearly trying to hold his clan together by mere threads. Cricketstar is nowhere to be seen. As the brothers continue to observe, they miss the quiet sound of someone creeping up behind them, but suddenly Sunsplash is grabbed by a twoleg and stuck into a cage. Solemnstorm lets out an alarmed yowl, which alerts the ShadowClan camp. They see the twoleg, however, and Snowhare commands his clanmates to scatter. Solemnstorm also manages to get away, but turns when he realizes Sunsplash is trapped. The twoleg brings Sunsplash back to a camp, placing him in a truck with a bunch of other cats- rogues and loners mostly, but a number of missing ShadowClan warriors are also stuck in the cages. Solemnstorm waits till the twolegs are clear before sneaking into the truck to try and free his brother and any of the ShadowClan cats he can, but he has to flee again when the twolegs come back. He tries to wait for them to leave, but ends up dozing off, waking up as the truck they're in roars to life, and drives off with the clan cats and his brother still trapped. RiverClan, ThunderClan, and all the problems of clan life leave his mind as Solemnstorm chases after the twoleg truck. He loses sight of it eventually, but continues running into the twoleg place until he no longer can.

An exhausted, dazed, and thirsty Solemnstorm is found by a stray cat named Blood. Blood takes Solemnstorm into an alley where a bunch of other strays are eating out of a dumpster. There it's revealed Blood is trans. Solemnstorm drinks some water pooling from a leaking hose and eats some discarded twoleg scraps and questions if any of the cats had seen a monster filled with trapped cats. While most of the rogues seem not to care, Blood confirms it sounds like something she's familiar with- that twolegs trap cats and bring them to a 'shelter' for other twolegs to make them housecats. She used to be in one, but she escaped from her new housefolk's home when she wasn't comfortable. Solemnstorm asks Blood to show him where this shelter is, and after a bit, she agrees. Solemnstorm has never seen the twoleg place, and the thunderpaths and constant twolegs are overwhelming. Blood tries to reassure him, but he's eventually spooked by a large noise, and dashes into the street, into the path of an oncoming monster. He hears the monster screech, and feels himself get thrown forward, his leg burning, and then blacks out.

Solemnstorm wakes up on a twoleg blanket in one of the cages he'd seen his brother in, and a familiar voice yelping his name wakes him up- Hes in the shelter, and in the cage across from his, he can see Sunsplash! Sunsplash is relieved when he wakes up, and Solemnstorm finds that his leg is stitched up and in a thick webbing. He feels foggy, and his leg throbs dully, but he pushes himself up to assess the situation. There are a number of ShadowClan cats in the cages with them, among them is the ShadowClan leader, Cricketstar. She seems slightly annoyed, hissing at Sunsplash that he 'said Solemnstorm would save us.' But it's clear her hostility is her attempts to keep some semblance of pride. After some time trying to bat clumsily at the latches of his cage, Blood sneaks into the shelter. She hisses at the others to be quiet, and unlatches Sunsplash first, showing him how to maneuver the cages to let the others out. Solemnstorm helps once hes free, but hes slow and uncoordinated. Blood gets Cricketstar out, and the two have a romantic moment, before all the freed cats have to flee to avoid a twoleg whos come to check on them. Solemnstorm pushes himself to run on his injured leg, the adrenaline masking the pain, but permanently damaging the already damaged bone. 

The remaining cats find a place to rest in an old boarded up twoleg den. Solemnstorm collapses due to the medicine in his system, and Sunsplash works on ensuring hes okay. Blood helps, knowing where to find the herbs Sunsplash is looking for in the twoleg place. Cricketstar is impressed by Blood's quick learning, and asks if she would like to join ShadowClan, an impulsive move that suprises Sunsplash but he says nothing. It takes several days for Solemnstorm to recover, and the ShadowClan cats are getting antsy. They need to return to their tattered clan. Sunsplash meanwhile fills Cricketstar in on what has occurred since her cat-napping. Realizing they may need ShadowClan's assistance in taking down Perchstar, Sunsplash puts a start to a long con; he tells Cricketstar hes had visions of lightening striking the river, killing a perch, and then making the river all that stronger. The obvious implication of this is that Solemnstorm is the one who will save RiverClan by destroying Perchstar. Cricketstar is intrigued by this, but with no reason to question a medicine cat, she agrees that they will help when they can, if that is StarClan's wish. When Solemnstorm wakes up, he is horrified by Sunsplash's supposed vision. He doesn't want that responsibility. Sunsplash assures him he will do great. He has the support of ShadowClan and ThunderClan. And StarClan. He doesn't reveal that this is all a deception. He is trying to placebo-effect his brother.

Once Solemnstorm has recovered some, only walking with a bit of a limp, the group begins their journey back to the clan territories. Cricketstar takes command, much to Sunsplash's annoyance, but he allows it. She is leader after all, and they are entering her territory. The cats avoid the twolegs still crawling around ShadowClan's camp. Cricketstar commands the group to wait and enters ShadowClan's camp herself. The command she has over her territory is shocking, and Snowhare is beyond relieved to have her back. Blood steps to Cricketstar's side and reports that the twolegs wont leave the clan alone until they believe they have controlled the clan's population. As such, Cricketstar decides they will be moving their camp, deeper into the territory. Its at this point, she requests the RiverClan refuges return to ThunderClan and report to Midnightstar that she has returned. She assures them she will be at the next gathering, and sends Snowhare with them to escort them to ThunderClan's border. When the brothers arrive back in ThunderClan's camp, they're surprised to see another RiverClan cat- an apprentice named Woolpaw, by Willowtail's den. The apprentice looks nervous, his tail flicking back and forth, and his eyes widen a bit when he sees the brothers. He bolts over to Sunsplash, which alerts the rest of the camp the brothers have come home. Woolpaw hurriedly explains that whitecough is ravaging through the camp, and theres no one there to fix it. Perchstar is sending cats who catch it off to die in the surrounding woods. Woolpaw's been sneaking to the border to try and gather any herbs he can, but his mentor, Hollyshine doesn't know. 

Midnightstar approaches and sends Woolpaw on his way with catmint before its noticed that hes missing. He swaps reports with the brothers- Sunsplash tells him of what had happened to ShadowClan, how Cricketstar is back, as well as the prophecy he'd 'had'. In turn, Midnightstar reports what he knows of RiverClan. Perchstar has instated warriors loyal to him to keep his clan in line, and is ruling with an iron claw. There are some reasonable cats who seem uncomfortable with his leadership, like Hollyshine, but its hard to talk with them. Even the reasonable cats still believe that ThunderClan had a hand in Silverstar's death. Solemnstorm was apprenticed with Hollyshine, and he decides that the next time Woolpaw comes to the border, he will ask him to lead Hollyshine to him, and he will talk to her about a coup. It is a risky move, but he hopes his earlier friendship with Hollyshine will help in this.


Solemnstorm starts to have odd dreams, waking up in a strange, dark hollow. A starry cat welcomes him, and offers to train him for his upcoming battle against Perchstar. This cat is from the darkforest, but Solemnstorm doesn't know that. He thinks its a StarClan cat sincerely here to train him. The cat doesn't offer a name, only telling Solemnstorm its long since been forgotten, and implores him not to tell any cat about their training. Solemnstorm agrees, and his violent training sessions begin.

Woolpaw agrees to lead Hollyshine towards the border to talk to Solemnstorm. Meanwhile, when he slips away to ThunderClan, Sunsplash starts to teach him some of what he knows. He comments that Hollyshine is lucky to have him as an apprentice. Woolpaw expresses that he isn't sure he's cut out to be a warrior. Perchstar's leadership has been harsh, the battle training often violent. Woolpaw is much more comfortable hunting for herbs, or helping his clanmates. Sunsplash takes note of this.

Midnightstar notices Solemnstorm looking more tired and ragged. His leg bothers him more now, and Midnightstar questions what hes doing that has him so exhausted. Solemnstorm assures hes fine, and eventually admits he's stressed about the prophecy. He doesn't want to be some special cat, he wants to be a regular RiverClan warrior, blend in with his clanmates. He worries that this prophecy will set him apart from his clanmates for good. Midnightstar suggests he not tell anyone that needn't know about the prophecy then. He knows what he has to do, and that's enough. Solemnstorm worries that no one in RiverClan will join the fight if they don't know its StarClan's wish, but Midnightstar isn't sure he agrees. He says to talk to Hollyshine, and they can figure it out from there. 

Solemnstorm decides hes going to set up his own little camp near the border to RiverClan. He thanks ThunderClan for their hospitality, but doesn't want to impede anymore on their generosity. He promises to hunt only in the immediate space or in the river. Sunsplash joins him, so he can keep an eye on his leg, and the two reminisce on their father, their childhood, RiverClan in general. Solemnstorm asks if he's sure about the prophecy, if he's really the cat that's supposed to save RiverClan, and Sunsplash confirms he is- keeping up the lie. But it's a nice bonding moment between the brothers, and a bit of peace they havn't had since Silverstar's death.

A few days pass in their temporary camp, when they hear Woolpaw approaching with Hollyshine. Woolpaw is nervously telling her theres something she needs to see at the border, and Hollyshine's annoyed voice is chastising him for his loud meowing scaring off prey. Solemnstorm gets out of their den and goes to wait by the border. Hollyshine is furious when she first sees him- Solemnstorm had attacked their leader and run off, and now he was being sheltered in ThunderClan? She attacks him, which Solemnstorm allows, though he can hear the disappointed voice of his 'starclan' mentor telling him to defend himself. Sunsplash and Woolpaw manage to break up the fight, with Solemnstorm only losing a few clumps of fur. Sunsplash mentions that Hollyshine looks thin, and admits he knows whats going on in the clan. Hollyshine shoots Woolpaw a look, knowing her apprentice is the one who's been telling them. Solemnstorm begs her to hear them out, and she reluctantly agrees. He tells her about the lack of ThunderClan scent on Silverstar's body, and Sunsplash tells her what he saw in StarClan during the nine lives ceremony. Hollyshine admits that it makes sense, as whenever danger lurks in the clan, Perchstar doesn't face it himself, even though he should theoretically have nine lives to use. She knows of some warriors in the clan who are concerned with Perchstar's rule, and says she will try and talk to them. They set up a time for meetings, with Woolpaw able to act as a messenger, if need be. 

Solemnstorm and Sunsplash sneak to the next gathering- by now, their scent has become mingled enough to not be noticed. The clans are suprised to see Cricketstar stride in. She is a commanding figure, adorned in animal bones and pine needles, and her clan parts way for her respectfully as she jumps to the highrock. She doesn't give away what has kept her and her clan from the gatherings for so long, and instead questions Perchstar what happened to Silverstar. It is a simple enough question, with just enough jab to seem like she knows the truth. Perchstar threatens her back, saying he's the leader now, and she would know that if her clan showed up to the gathering. Cricketstar is unphased by his yowling, but Cinderstar of WindClan interrupts before any fights can break out. Hollyshine is present, and the brothers are able to get her attention to ask about news in RiverClan. She has found a few cats willing to listen and fight for them, but they would be up against Perchstar's cronies, Heroncall and Duskstripe. The three of them are large and imposing cats, clearly the most looked after in the clan currently, and no one that the clans want to take on. Likewise, their apprentices are being groomed by them to be loyal to Perchstar. Hollyshine notes that Cricketstar seems coldly aggressive towards Perchstar, and Solemnstorm tells her ThunderClan and ShadowClan are on their side. Hollyshine suggests Sunsplash go to the halfmoon gathering to speak with the medicine cats of the other clans, she would send Woolpaw to join them. She says she believes RiverClan will need some more time, but will send Woolpaw with word when she next gets it.

Solemnstorm's training intensifies, pitting him against various dark forest residence. Still believing hes in StarClan, he requests if he could see his father, which his mentor denies. Hes here to train, and must stay focused on his goal. Hes encouraged to practice killing blows, and dirty shots like blinding an opponent, or where to land on them to injure their spines with his weight. The training makes Solemnstorm uncomfortable, but as time goes on, and sleep deprivation and repetition take effect, he starts to become desensitized to it. Sunsplash begins to notice Solemnstorm gaining mysterious injuries in the night, and that his brother looks exhausted and irritable. He considers telling him the truth about the prophecy, but can't find the time to get his brother alone. 

The time for the halfmoon gathering comes, and Woolpaw meets up with Sunsplash. The two travel with Willowtail to the moonstone. Sunsplash is happy to see Blood traveling with Hollowfall, the stocky she cat telling Sunspash she is his apprentice now. Cricketstar gave her the name Bloodcloak when she joined the clan, but she chose the medicine den over the warrior one. Woolpaw says he wishes he could do that, and Bloodcloak says 'why not?'. Stoatclaw isn't as pleased to see the former RiverClan medicine cat, claiming he broke his vow to protect his clanmates. Woolpaw vouches for him that Perchstar lied, and the other medicine cats seem to agree. Before speaking with StarClan, they discuss the idea to overthrow Perchstar. Willowtail and Stoatclaw seem uncomfortable with the discussion, thinking this is better discussed between leaders. Bloodcloak insists that sometimes to save a creature, you must amputate a limb- in this case, that would be Perchstar. The medicine cats agree to bring it up to their respective leaders, and set up a meeting between them. Woolpaw is concerned about coming to join them, but Sunsplash tells him not to worry, and promises he'll tell him at the border. On the way home from the halfmoon meeting, Sunsplash waits at fourtrees. The medicine cats were going to go to their camps and retrieve their leaders to speak. Cricketstar arrives first with Hollowfall and Bloodcloak. Sunsplash sends Woolpaw home, but unbeknownst to him, Duskstripe and Blackpelt- Perchstar's former apprentice, had been tracking their scent to discover where the apprentice went. Dusktstripe discovers the meeting between Sunsplash and ShadowClan and yowls. Woolpaw hears, and knowing the meeting is in jeopardy, rushes to tell Solemnstorm, and then Hollyshine. 

Solemnstorm bounds for fourtrees, in time to hear Duskstripe accuse ShadowClan of sheltering an attempted murderer. Cricketstar, who refuses to be intimidated, shoots back that this is hardly ShadowClan territory. Still, she is well aware that this meeting doesn't look good for her. Sunsplash tries to cover for her, claiming he had gone to the halfmoon meeting and she was only here to chase him out of her territory, but Duskstripe doesn't buy it. When he raises a paw to strike the former medicine cat, Solemnstorm leaps to attack him. The fight is bloody, savage, but quick. Solemnstorm has learned how to be lethal in battle, in a way that almost horrifies him. The two grapple, roll around, and before Solemnstorm really understands what happened, hes the only one standing as Duskstripe's blood pools around him. Blackpelt is horrified, screeching that he killed him, before she bolts back to RiverClan camp to report what happened. Cricketstar hisses as Solemnstorm. The other leaders arrive, having watched what happened. Cinderstar does not trust Solemnstorm in the slightest, and has no interest in this war. She demands WindClan be left out of this fight, and leaves. Cricketstar hisses that RiverClan will want war with ShadowClan, that there isn't a choice for them now. ThunderClan agrees to back them up. He suggests they wait to see what Perchstar will do, but agree in three days time, they will attack the RiverClan camp. 


Solemnstorm wakes up from a training dream with the sound of caterwauls ringing in his ears. He notices the sky is overcast, and senses a big storm coming. He takes a walk to stretch his legs, but hides when he hears a patrol approaching. Luckily, it's only Hollyshine. She seems uneasy, and asks if its true that he killed Duskstripe. He confirms he did. Perchstar is very angry, hes named Heroncall his deputy, and the two have been in their den all day. She adds that he has warriors looking for him and Sunsplash. Shes been sent to ThunderClan to ask if they knew anything. She also adds that Woolpaw has been confined to camp. Perchstar knows he has some kind of involvement, and she worries about what he might do to him. The situation more dire, Solemnstorm goes with Hollyshine to ThunderClan's camp. This irrititates Littlegoose, but Midnightstar allows it. He agrees that it sounds like RiverClan is plotting something, and it doesn't seem good. Midnightstar tells Hollyshine to imply to Perchstar that ThunderClan will stand against ShadowClan with them, but tells Solemnstorm to go to ShadowClan to warn them of trouble. Solemnstorm agrees, and the cats part. The war is brewing. 

Solemnstorm makes his way to ShadowClan, his dark forest mentor padding beside him. He goads that this is what hes been waiting for, and encourages him not to hold back. Solemnstorm is still deeply uncomfortable having killed Duskstripe. He enters the ShadowClan border and waits for a patrol to pick him up. He is brought to the new ShadowClan camp, away from the twolegs, hidden in dense pines. Cricketstar is waiting at their highrock, and she jumps down to discuss with Solemnstorm. She tells him to stay here the night, and they will meet up with ThunderClan the next morning to plan their attack. 

Solemnstorm is woken up by a familiar yowl in ShadowClan's camp. RiverClan has mounted a surprise attack, and are crashing their way through the camp. Perchstar is nowhere to be seen, but Heroncall is leading, demanding an apprentice she has pinned tell her where Solemnstorm or Sunsplash are. Solemnstorm steps out to challenge her, but is bowled over by Blackpelt, calling him a murderer and a rogue. Blackpelt is smaller than him, however, and he manages to fling her off. It makes his leg throb, but he joins the fray of fighting cats. Eventually, without meaning to, he grapples Hollyshine, but they break apart, and she explains that Perchstar has Woolpaw hostage, and is threatening to kill the apprentice if the clan doesn't fight for him. Horrified, Solemnstorm tells Hollyshine they need to break back to RiverClan. Before they leave, they hear Cricketstar's horrified hiss "Murderer!" and they notice that Heroncall has killed Hollowfall, the ShadowClan's medicine cat. In retaliation, Bloodcloak leaps at her, and kills the RiverClan deputy. With Heroncall dead, the rest of the RiverClan cats are in disarray. Cricketstar, angry, tells Solemnstorm to go to RiverClan. She is going to get Midnightstar so they can end this.

Sunsplash heard the fighting and meets up with Solemnstorm and Hollyshine. He brings his meager herb supply to wait outside camp for anyone hurt. Solemnstorm warns him it's dangerous, considering he's wanted by Perchstar, but Sunsplash insists he has to be close by to help his clanmates, even if they want him dead. He wishes the two warriors luck, and they enter RiverClan's camp. The camp is a mess of prey bones, old bedding, and dirt. Some warriors who stayed back look sick and hungry, but there is instant buzz when the two step into the camp. Some seem suprised that Hollyshine's betrayed them, others seem to understand what is happening. The murmuring in camp alerts Perchstar, who exits his den, dragging a bloodied, unmoving Woolpaw with him. He taunts Solemnstorm, calling him a murderer and a scourge on the clan that so graciously took him in. He expresses mild suprise at Hollyshine aiding him, but considering her apprentice.... Hollyshine is horrified at the state Woolpaw is in, and demands Perchstar let him go. In response, Perchstar bat's the small apprentice's body towards them, it landing unceremoniously in a heap. Thinking he's dead, and in a state of shock, Hollyshine lunges at Perchstar, and the fight begins. 

The remainder of RiverClan is confused, unsure what to do. Some leap at Solemnstorm, who tries to fight through the haze of taunts from his dark forest mentor on how to best maim his opponents. To distract himself, Solemnstorm instead scoops up Woolpaw to bring him to Sunsplash. Once the apprentice is safe, he rejoins the fight. More of Perchstar's loyal warriors have come back from ShadowClan, and the clan is fighting itself, goaded on by an enraged Perchstar at the top of the camp. Hollyshine is nowhere to be seen, so Solemnstorm tears through the camp to attack Perchstar. Perchstar is ready for him, however, and the roll in a tangle of claws and teeth. Solemnstorm finds that Perchstar can match his fighting style exactly- he was also trained to kill, in the same way that he was. Perchstar eventually knocks Solemnstorms bad leg out from under him and grabs onto his neck. Solemnstorm's thick fur protects him, but Perchstar keeps tightening his grip, and has too much leverage for him to wriggle away. By now, ShadowClan and ThunderClan have joined the fray, sparing the tattered RiverClan from having to fight their clanmates. Solemnstorm tries to lash out at Perchstar, but his movements only cause the tom's teeth to sink deeper into his fur, threatening his neck. Suddenly, Perchstar is bowled over and in his suprise, lets go of Solemnstorm, who scrambles to his feet. An injured Hollyshine has leapt at Perchstar, and before he can catch his bearings, she bites his throat, and tears. The fighting in the clearing stops as Perchstar staggers forward and drops. Everyone waits with held breath- the moment of truth to see if Sunsplash was telling the truth, that StarClan never gave Perchstar his nine lives. Time ticks, before Solemnstorm- instructed by his dark forest mentor, declares the false leader of RiverClan is dead. Yowling erupts. The few loyalist warriors who'd heavily betrayed their clanmates scatter. The battle is over. 

Midnightstar and Cricketstar pad up to speak with Solemnstorm and Hollyshine. Hollyshine is in shock. Cricketstar assures her she did what she had to do. While the other leaders comfort the shaken young warrior, Solemnstorm surveys the damage in camp. His clanmates are awkwardly mingling, many injured by eachother's paws. Medicine cats from the other clans are assisting in treating injuries. Perchstar wasn't the only casualty. A few young warriors of RiverClan lay dead, both loyal to Perchstar and not. Sunsplash pads into the camp, his own paws bloody, but not from battle. He sees the group, and joins them. He informs Hollyshine that Woolpaw is badly hurt, but he will live. Hes resting now. This eases some of Hollyshine's tension, at least. The group needs to decide where RiverClan will go from here. A few RiverClan warriors have timidly padded up to them, asking what do they do now? Both their leader and deputy are dead. Sunsplash glances at Solemnstorm, and his dark forest mentor whispers to him to take the leadership, but the tom bristles and says "Hollyshine killed Perchstar. She's the most loyal warrior I know." Hollyshine is suprised at the praise, but ripples of approval go throughout the clan. She is a young warrior, but she has proven herself time and time again. Midnightstar gives her a gentle nudge, and she leaps up to the highrock of the clan camp. Her victory speech is nearly drowned out for Solemnstorm by the frustrated hiss of his mentor. But she thanks the clan for their support, sympathizes with their pain, and lays a plan for recovery. She looks to Solemnstorm and Sunsplash, officially welcoming them back into the clan. Solemnstorm accepts, immediately, but Sunsplash has a condition; Woolpaw become his apprentice. Hollyshine is taken aback, but she agrees- so long as Woolpaw is okay with it, when he wakes up. She requests both of them to accompany her to the moonstone when she receives her nine lives. She trusts them. The two agree, and Midnightstar and Cricketstar take their clan home, saying they look forward to seeing Hollyshine at the next gathering.

Hollyshine organizes groups to rebuild the camp. She and Solemnstorm take care of burying the dead- even Perchstar gets a proper burial, as much as Solemnstorm doesn't like it. The mood in the clan is somber, but hopeful, and as they work, the clan looks more like itself again. Sunsplash rounds up as many cats that Perchstar sent out to die as he can, getting them proper care. Woolpaw is awake and resting, but Sunsplash gives him herbs to sort. He is more than happy to become the medicine cat apprentice, and Hollyshine gives him her blessing. By next sundown, Sunsplash approaches her and his brother. Hes instructed Woolpaw on what to do in his absense. It's time to go to the moonstone. The journey is easy. They do meet a WindClan patrol, but they let them pass- promising to tell Cinderstar that RiverClan has a new leader. The three journey into the moonstone, and Hollyshine settles down with her nose touching it. All three of them are brought to StarClan's ground, and its a much more peaceful and successful ceremony. While Hollystar receives her nine lives, Sunsplash and Solemnstorm talk, decompressing. During this, Solemnstorm mentions his "starclan" mentor, how he cant see them among the cats here. Sunsplash is suprised by this, and when Solemnstorm explains its part of the prophecy, his brother finally admits he made it up. This... breaks something in Solemnstorm. All the times hed pushed himself in training, killing Duskstripe... it was all built on a lie. And furthermore, who is his mentor then? Fury blinds the tom, and he leaps at Sunsplash. The two grappling toms end up in the dark forest, and Solemnstorm's mentor stalks around them, goading Solemnstorm to kill. Sunsplash is shocked. He fights back, as much as he knows how, but as a medicine cat apprentice- he never had battle training. Solemnstorm has him pinned, a paw raised to him, but as he brings it down, he reconsiders, and only slashes over Sunsplash's eye. It leaves a scar, but it doesn't damage the eye itself. He gets off his brother, and instead leaps at the dark forest mentor, grappling the wraith-like cat. Solemnstorm sustains some injuries, but manages to instead "kill" the demon cat. The two wake up before Hollystar, bloody and panting. Solemnstorm is still livid at Sunsplash, but its a cold anger. He won't attack his clanmate, and he will be as civil as he should be to his clan's medicine cat. But the trust and love they shared as brothers is broken. 

Hollystar wakes up and is surprised to see the boys injured. Solemnstorm quickly assures her it was some passing rogues, but he fought them off. He congratulates her on her nine lives, and they can get back to camp. As they walk, she reveals her plan to make Solemnstorm her deputy. She was sure that he should have been leader, but if not that, then he could atleast help her lead. The idea makes Solemnstorm nervous, and he starts to admit the prophecy was a lie, but she interrupts that this wasn't about the prophecy. She wants him as deputy because he wasn't afraid to challenge his leader when he was acting unjustly. She doesn't want a cat too afraid to tell her shes wrong. Shes choosing Solemnstorm as deputy because she feels he is the right cat for it, and because he is a true RiverClan warrior. Solemnstorm is taken aback, this is everything he'd ever wanted- to be accepted as a clanmate and loyal RiverClan cat. He accepts the position.


Several moons have passed. It is still taking time for RiverClan to recover, but they're getting there. Sunsplash is outside of the camp, watching Woolpaw try and catch dragonflies. His ears prick as another cat approaches and drops a fish at his side. Solemnstorm settles next to him. Its the first time since their fight his brother has willingly come to sit with him, and Sunsplash turns to give him his attention. The serious tom stays looking forward at Woolpaw though. He comments that Woolpaw's been an apprentice for awhile, asks if he'll be receiving his medicine cat name soon. Sunsplash keeps his tone business casual, but is watching Solemnstorm with interest. He misses their close relationship. He informs the deputy that Woolpaw has much more training to go in the art of healing, though yes, he is an excellent apprentice. Solemnstorm is quiet for awhile before he gently jokes about how impatient Sunsplash was himself as a 'paw for his full name. It's an olive branch of sorts, an attempt to get back to normal. It breaks the ice, for Sunsplash to apologize again for what he did. "I saw what the clan needed to do, but they wouldn't do it unless I said it was from StarClan." He isn't sorry for lying about that. He is sorry though, for involving Solemnstorm. At least without telling him. Solemnstorm sighs. He admits its going to take awhile for him to trust him again, about anything. But he adds that hes a good medicine cat, a great mentor, and that despite everything, he loves him. He says even though hes hurt, he is open to trying to fix their relationship, but it will take time for the wounds to heal. Sunsplash nods. He understands that. He's a medicine cat, he can be very patient with wounds. But the two share freshkill, watching Woolpaw play in the reeds as the sun sets on a New RiverClan.