R01 - used

3 years, 3 months ago

Explain the relationship between two characters at face value, is it romantic? Platonic? Familial?

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Cinderstar and Ferretstride have a platonic relationship, but they also admire and respect each other greatly as the high-ranks in Sycamoreclan. They depend on each other and know that one cat will be there for the other.

Although their clan is currently small and they randomly met each other, they already trust each other immensely. They would do anything for each other and their growing clan, perhaps even dying for these cats. However, if one of them did die the other would be devastated and mourn their death. Although Ferretstride is the deputy and could become the leader (hopefully after Cinderstar retires) she would be forlorn if her good friend lost her last life. Cinderstar currently has plenty of lives left, but she's getting a bit older and her small clan is in more danger of attacks.

Ferretstride grew up alone, but she was always surrounded by cats who taunted and teased her for her appearance. Although she never let their words get to her, Cinderstar was the first cat to truly accept her as she is and to not judge her for anything. Ferretstride has always appreciated that, and she's tried not to do the same to her friend (although there's not much to make fun of in Cinderstar's appearance).