Farmer's Venture

3 years, 26 days ago
2 years, 2 months ago
3 2680

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

a collection of short stories, involving Cowlick the Bettabo & their wild adventures in the world!

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Author's Notes

this piece was for the “Halcidays: Special Moment” prompt of Ranebopets!

Sweet Encounters

“Mm-m, Mm-m, m-m-m-m..” There was a tiny creature, humming a tiny tune, somewhere deep in the woods. Softly swaying inbetween vines, and ducking under brush, he marched onward.

The little fella the sounds belonged to, had been wandering about for quite some time though. He wasn’t one to keep track of time, rather enjoying the adventure as it happened.

But he had been looking for friends, or companions to share his travels with. Thankfully making a few new little buddies along the way, it wasn’t so lonely. But it seemed Cowlick didn’t meet any proper friends just yet.

Inbetween his travels, he’s made sure to splash around in puddles and lakes to rehydrate. Right before bedtime, and after catching himself a nice meal for dinner.

The small leetle he’s befriended, has enjoyed the mud baths and murky dips to cool themself off as well.

“Oo...” It was one of the only times the small thing ever spoke, or made a sound at all. But dipping one of it’s little feets into the full moon’s water, calmed them beyond belief. Cowlick’s little companion became so rested, he actually had to carry the silly thing until noon the next day!

Needless to say, water was a big priority for Cowlick, now that he’s a more experienced explorer of strange places. Though, he did previously almost dry up like a little kelp seed in the desert.

It was summer as well, the hottest and strongest of suns the two of them had ever felt. If it weren’t for the help of a little crustacean nearby, the two of them, Cowlick and Weedle, wouldn’t have made it through. Having to part ways soon after though, Cowlick promised to come visit as a thank-you some other time. The poor party was beyond tired and wrecked at the moment.

But the friendly, spotted fella actually made acquaintances here and there. They didn’t quite last too long, a day or two’s conversation before he would move on to new adventures.

Meeting interesting creatures, larger than him most of the time, was so much fun though.

Most were nice as well, an older bettabo even inviting him in for the night, offering a warm bed for him and Weedle. The plush bedding, and fresh morning dew for breakfast was heavenly. His stomach practically tumbled just remembering it all.

Now with three tiny mouths to share meals with, Cowlick figured now might be a good stopping point for the day. The companions he’s met recently are quite small as well, only needing a few bites of a berry per meal, but that was still a whole berry to find.

Motioning to set up camp for the night, Cowlick and his tiny familiars pulled out the contents of a build-your-own-tent. A gift curtesy of a kind stranger met not too long ago.

It was in fairly good condition, and was much easier now with four of them.

“Squee..?” Stevia, a kelp phomish, was the perfect help when it came to stretching the fabric over the tent frame.

Cowlick nodded, and the bright creature dropped the sheet, allowing the bettabo to fasten it in place.

“Gmpfhg,” the other new addition to the group, an orange ghoworm named Cutie, was helping hold the frame together while waiting for the ties.

Its’ sticky little grip aided greatly in this task, and also in dropping from trees to terrify their owner. Sometimes it even did so while Cowlick was still in the tent, causing a flurry of panic scrambles.

“Do you need some help..?” An unfamiliar voice entered their small base camp, from the bushes.

It seemed they were a bettabo as well, though with decorative, beautiful fins that caught Cowlick’s eye.

He forgot to even reply, just surprised there was anyone else out here. But once the stranger turned their head slightly, waiting for an answer, Cowlick popped up suddenly.

“AH- no i’m okay!” Stevia was just finishing fixing the sheet, and Cutie tying the last knot, even though it still hasn’t gotten the hang of it just yet.

The warm pink bettabo shifted its’ stance slightly, seemingly wanting to say something else.

Cowlick was oblivious to most implied statements, sadly. So the two of them just waddled awkwardly.

Until Weedle bumped Cowlick on the leg, letting him know the little fella found a suitable pond to relax in.

“O-oh thank you!” The shy bettabo turned to the stranger in front of him, and tried to muster up enough courage to speak. Though deciding it was too hard to even make eye contact if so. “Would.. would you like to join us for a dip..?”

The new bettabo excitedly nodded their head, and followed the rest of the group to a murky little pond. It was filled with plant life, even floating up to the surface and tickling their underbellies. And despite the water being mostly dark, every spot that Stevia floated over seemed to reveal pretty little pebbles down below.

The two bettabos, both loving to collect little trinkets, spent most of their time diving for unique pebbles they found.

“Look at this one!” The new bettabo had found a deep maroon, dotted pebble. It wasn’t fully smooth, so they both held it carefully.

“Woah...” Dumping the pebbles Cowlick found, he shuffled through them to find one with the shiny bit he saw. “Look look!” It seemed there was a bit of mica in the formation, causing it to glint in the phomish’s light.

“Oh!!” It seemed the stranger really loved the pebble he found, turning it over in their paws.

Cowlick considered it for a moment, but decided he has plenty pebbles anyways. “Would.. would you like to keep that one?” The bettabo was already blushing, a stark contrast to his white scaly body.

Turning to look at him, there was a soft red on their cheeks too. “S-sure!” Before either of them could even process it though, the stranger gave Cowlick a peck on the side of his face.

The two of them were blushing for most of the night after that. And while enjoying several servings of lake weeds and berries, the two talked about their adventures.

The companions fell asleep long before the two larger creatures did, the bettabos being lost in conversation.