Short Stories

5 years, 8 months ago
5 years, 8 months ago
3 1846

Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

A collection of short stories involving my ocs

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A Mistake

The grass parted slightly as the infamous tigress crept silently through the undergrowth. She paused, sniffing the air for a certain scent before continuing on her way. She knew this had to be done if she wanted to survive. Even if she knew it would haunt her for the rest of her days. A part of her was telling her to turn around, but she ignored it. As she came to a familiar patch of trees, she saw what she was looking for. 

It was Watch the Sky, the unforgettable white and tricolor dog. He was picking a few white daises with a gentle smile on his face. Strawberry had the urge to hiss at him to stop smiling, for it was making her feel even more guilty for what she was about to do. You can’t back out of this now, she thought, unsheathing her claws. You have to kill him. It’s too late to change your mind. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

It was then that Watch the Sky turned his back on the pink and light brown tiger. She knew it was time. She crawled out of the long, thick grass, making sure to not make any noise. She hesitantly put one paw forward. Then the next. She felt sick to her stomach. I don’t want to do this! She was about to turn away from him, when she remembered that no matter what, one of them was going to die. And it’s not going to be me. 

She charged at him, hissing as she did so. He turned around, startled to see her. She wrapped her front paws around his neck, digging them into his skin. He growled and with a sudden thrust of his head, he had knocked the powerful tiger off of him. She hit her head against the ground, making her grunt. As the dog sprinted at her, she scrambled to get up and gain her balance, but it was too late.

He grabbed her scruff roughly with his jaws. He shook his head violently, thrashing the already dazed tiger around. Once he was satisfied, he let go of her. She fell to the ground with a thud. Dazed, confused and in pain, she didn’t think to run away from the dog that would be her demise. Watch the Sky loomed over the weak tigress. She cowered in fear, not knowing what the dog would do to her. Will I meet a quick and painless death? Or will it be long and painful? She thought, as the dog she had previously saved growled in her face. 

“What did you think you were doing?” He said finally.

The tiger’s ears folded back. She suddenly felt an overwhelming amount of guilt. “I’m sor-” she started, but was quickly cut off by the fearsome white dog.

“You’re not sorry.” 

“I am too!” insisted the strawberry-colored feline.

Watch the Sky then responded with, “Then prove it.” 

She blinked in surprise. “What?”

“I said prove it,” He growled.

“How am I supposed to prove it?” She asked.

“By stealing Fiddleorange’s and Cherry’s supplies.”

Strawberry Jam gasped. “There’s no way I’m stealing their supplies! They’ll kill me for sure!”

“Well,” Watch the Sky’s eyes darkened as he whispered, “you don’t have a choice.”

Author's Notes

Oh, boy was this fun to write. I never write fight scenes so this was a little different but it was still fun! I really enjoy writing about Strawberry Jam and Watch the Sky in the hunger games, since it really brings out the sides of their characters that you normally wouldn't see. I hope you all enjoyed.