Short Stories

5 years, 8 months ago
5 years, 8 months ago
3 1846

Chapter 3
Published 5 years, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

A collection of short stories involving my ocs

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Tidus's childhood

Everything was silent and tranquil. The grass blew ever so slightly, and the smell of honeysuckle was prominent. The sun was high in the sky, but even it’s glare didn’t bother the small pup walking to the field. A big smile was on his face, and his tail wagged with happiness. He walked on a worn dirt path to the field. When he arrived at the field, his eyes lit up, before he leaped into the thick grass. He began to run around the field, chasing butterflies and trying to catch squirrels.

It was all fun and games until he heard a low growl. He stopped in his tracks, feeling the ever so familiar rush of fear slamming into him. The caramel pup’s ears folded back, and his tail fell flat as he turned around to face his father. His father was a big dark gray wolf, with a thick mane and sharp claws. His tail lashed in anger as he stared down at the small pup. “What do you think you’re doing?” He snarled, digging his claws into the soft dirt.

The pup looked down at the grass guiltily. “I just wanted to play, and mom said I could,” he whispered, finally looking up at the intimidating wolf before him. 

“You know not to ask your mother! You always ask me first,” he yelled, his fur rising and his eyes turning a dark red. “Do you understand?”

The pup nodded quickly, before running past his father, his eyes pure white from the terror he felt. 


As the pup laid in bed next to his older brother, he could hear yelling coming from his parents’ room. His ears flattened against his skull and he let out a small whine. His older brother rolled his eyes. The pup moved closer to his brother and tried to calm down, but his brother pushed him away. “Go away, Tidus,” his brother finally said.

With that, Tidus was kicked out of his brother’s room and was left in the hallway. He glanced uneasily down the hallway, where his parents’ room was. He wished they would stop fighting, or at least be quieter. He sighed, before treading quietly to his room.


When he woke up in the morning, the house was silent. Tidus sighed with relief. His parents had finally stopped yelling. He climbed out from his bed and stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen. He noticed that nobody was there. It was strange since most of the time one of his family members were there. That or his babysitter would be called. Tidus began searching around the empty house, trying to find someone.

It didn’t take long for him to come to the conclusion that he was home alone. “Maybe they forgot about me,” he mumbled. He had been left behind like this multiple times, so it wasn’t out of the question for this to happen. “Or maybe they just don’t want me anymore.” 

A few hours later, Tidus heard the door slam open and in came his parents, talking loudly. So loud that it hurt Tidus’s sensitive ears. He walked over to the living room, where his parents were. When he walked in, his mother’s ears folded back, and his father glared at him. He was about to speak when his mother ran over to him and practically smothered him in her thick fur.

“I’m so sorry! We didn’t mean to leave you at home by yourself all day!” 

The look on his mother's face was so pitiful, he couldn't feel any anger towards her. "It's okay mom," he said finally, giving a small smile along with it.

She smiled guiltily once more before she walked over to his father and began talking to him.

Tidus glared at his father. He really disliked him. He wished that he would just leave with his older brother and never come back. Marcus, his older brother, always made fun of him. Sure, he was nicer than his father, but he still disliked him just as much. His father didn't care about anybody but himself. If the two of them just left, then he and his mother would be as happy as they could possibly be.

He let out a quiet, low growl before he ran up the stairs and to his bedroom.

He couldn't get mad at his sweet mother, but he definitely could towards his father and brother.  He just wanted to make them pay. "I will one day," he whispered to himself, as he walked towards the window in his room. He looked outside at the field he loved to play in, even though his father hated it.

"But until then, I'll just have to wait, I suppose."

Author's Notes

Well, that was interesting. I wasn't really sure of what I wanted to write about in this story, but I wanted to include a few prime things. I was able to, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.