R Prompts - Kyber and Enzi

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
30 5107

Chapter 21
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Storage for the basic relationship prompts for VOK! These are specifically for Kyber and Enzi. All claimed as of 4/29 || 1 white feather x 30 prompts = 30 white feathers, +2 bronze feathers (10 white feathers) for a complete set -> 30 prompts at 150 words each = 4500, total word count of 5107 - 4500 = 607 extra words, 607/200 = 3 basic prompt claims (1 white feather per 200 words), adding an extra 3 white feathers to the total -> total feathers = 43 white feathers

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R 21 - Enzi and Kyber

In times of victory, Enzi likes to take Kyber out to celebrate. The two will go have a meal at one of the restaurants or cafes in their town, and oftentimes if the tell others what they are celebrating, someone will pay for their meal to be nice. Though Kyber's first choice wouldn't be going out, she ends up enjoying it immensely with Enzi there.

For Enzi, Kyber usually makes or gets something for her. Maybe she'll make apple pie or buy a new book or plant for Enzi. And sometimes, Kyber will construct a special piece of advanced tech for Enzi. With these, Kyber will also invite some of the other lions over to their place, making the whole affair into a little celebration. Enzi would probably go out to a place if she was choosing,  but again, she enjoys the thought and care Kyber puts into supporting her victories, and she always has a good time at these mini parties.