R Prompts - Kyber and Enzi

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
30 5107

Chapter 22
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Storage for the basic relationship prompts for VOK! These are specifically for Kyber and Enzi. All claimed as of 4/29 || 1 white feather x 30 prompts = 30 white feathers, +2 bronze feathers (10 white feathers) for a complete set -> 30 prompts at 150 words each = 4500, total word count of 5107 - 4500 = 607 extra words, 607/200 = 3 basic prompt claims (1 white feather per 200 words), adding an extra 3 white feathers to the total -> total feathers = 43 white feathers

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R 22 - Kyber and Enzi

Kyber likes how genuinely kind Enzi is. Whenever they see someone who needs help or a kid asks them for something, Enzi stops whatever she is doing to help without any hesitation. Kyber believes if everyone were like her mate, there would be a lot less problems in the world, and so she too tries to be as kind as Enzi.

Enzi really enjoys how fun Kyber is to be around. Whenever they do something, even a dull task, Kyber makes it into something at least a little enjoyable with her little jokes and conversations. She makes Enzi think about things she likely wouldn't consider, but they aren't for the most part hard and stressful. Rather, Kyber gets Enzi to think about what butterflies have to do with butter. These conversations usually ends in laughter, with Enzi coming up with random things like "because they drink melted butter". While Kyber doesn't seem to see it, Enzi knows she'll never have a boring time with Kyber.