R Prompts - Kyber and Enzi

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
30 5107

Chapter 25
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Storage for the basic relationship prompts for VOK! These are specifically for Kyber and Enzi. All claimed as of 4/29 || 1 white feather x 30 prompts = 30 white feathers, +2 bronze feathers (10 white feathers) for a complete set -> 30 prompts at 150 words each = 4500, total word count of 5107 - 4500 = 607 extra words, 607/200 = 3 basic prompt claims (1 white feather per 200 words), adding an extra 3 white feathers to the total -> total feathers = 43 white feathers

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R 25 - Enzi and Kyber

Both admire each other's patience, which, ironically, the other believes they personally don't have. Enzi watches with amazement how long Kyber can spend fixing a client's device or create a new one from scraps. The patience it must take to pay that much attention to detail seems impossible to her, and although jealousy isn't quite the right word, Enzi does find herself wishing she could be more like Kyber in that way.

Kyber watches in awe how long Enzi will sit with a lion as they talk out their problems with her. She doesn't understand how Enzi can not only sit still that long, but also be completely tuned into what they're saying. Kyber thinks that talking to others about their personal problems, ones that her paws can't fix, is incredibly difficult, and she admires and slightly envies, though not in a detrimental way, Enzi's ability to do just that.