R Prompts - Kyber and Enzi

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
30 5107

Chapter 26
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Storage for the basic relationship prompts for VOK! These are specifically for Kyber and Enzi. All claimed as of 4/29 || 1 white feather x 30 prompts = 30 white feathers, +2 bronze feathers (10 white feathers) for a complete set -> 30 prompts at 150 words each = 4500, total word count of 5107 - 4500 = 607 extra words, 607/200 = 3 basic prompt claims (1 white feather per 200 words), adding an extra 3 white feathers to the total -> total feathers = 43 white feathers

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R 26 - Enzi and Kyber

Enzi and Kyber's relationship is pretty nontoxic. When issues arise due to lack of communication or they have small issues with each other, they try to solve the ones that can be solved. When things that are too much work to change and don't really cause that much harm, like their pet peeves with each other, they let them go.

Enzi and Kyber, but mainly Enzi due to her nature, are often asked relationship advice seeing as their relationship is very healthy. Enzi tells the askers that the majority of relationship problems can be solved by communicating. That's what Enzi and Kyber have found best in their relationship, and though it most definitely won't fix mentally or physically abusive relationships, that's the best advice they can think to give. Kyber likes to add on that being the first to apologize, especially if your partner doesn't like being the first to do so but will still take some of the blame when an issue arises, can also be beneficial.