R Prompts - Kyber and Enzi

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
30 5107

Chapter 27
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Storage for the basic relationship prompts for VOK! These are specifically for Kyber and Enzi. All claimed as of 4/29 || 1 white feather x 30 prompts = 30 white feathers, +2 bronze feathers (10 white feathers) for a complete set -> 30 prompts at 150 words each = 4500, total word count of 5107 - 4500 = 607 extra words, 607/200 = 3 basic prompt claims (1 white feather per 200 words), adding an extra 3 white feathers to the total -> total feathers = 43 white feathers

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R 27 - Kyber and Enzi

When there's any issue, both Kyber and Enzi try to make sure the other's feelings are validated. However, Kyber is more prone to holding her feelings in and not talking about them as openly. This makes it harder on Enzi, who will try to approach problems by stating how she feels. When Kyber does open up though, Enzi makes sure she is listening intently so Kyber will know it's ok to talk about your feelings.

Kyber's tendency to emotionally shut off is due to how she was trained, where sharing one's feelings especially in battle could be a difference between life and death. The Force latches on to emotions, and the best way she could control it was by controlling her emotions. Now though, she makes an effort to open up whenever she thinks about it because it's so important to Enzi. And she's also found it does feel better to get feelings out, both good and bad, then to leave them in.