A Wandering Prince and the Seer

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 4 months ago
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Chapter 7
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Story between my character Nuru, the seer of the pride, and the NPC Midas aka The Wandering Prince. Probably looking at 10 parts total but that could just be the minimum. Depends on how much more I want to write for them. Basis is Nuru is showing Midas around the pride's land and also the mystical anomalies that can be found in each region hoping it will help him restore his memory.

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Written in Stars

Nuru could feel his questioning gaze before he even spoke up. "Are you saying your gift of sight is passed down? And, when it is, you will- what, just cease to exist?"

"In so few words, yes."

They fell silent again as she continued to lead them on. Just as they reached the treeline again, Midas inquired once more. "Is that how you received it? From your mother?"

The seer slowed her steps, vividly remembering that horrid night when she got the gift. "Yes... but I hope to pass it on much differently."

He must have sensed the change in her demeanor, his next question asked much softer as if afraid to ask. "What happened?"

She took a deep breath. "It was... rushed, in a manner of speaking. I was young. My mother got sick. Very sick. Of course she had taken time to tell me what to expect and offer some tips on how to be susceptible to visions or how to cure a headache after a strong premonition, but it was all very basic. Her last night... I was by her side. I remember telling her not to leave me, that I still had so much to learn. With her last breath, my new calling began. The pain was excruciating. I hadn't anticipated that. I promised to be the seer that the pride needed. I told her I'd make her proud." She hadn't realized she'd stopped walking. They were on the furthest reaches of kuni wa mkondo to the east where it bordered the southern part of ukumbi wa paradiso. "I want my daughter to be prepared. Not like I was. Truly ready to take on the gift."

"Can your other daughters not receive the gift?"

"It's a little complicated." She remembered to press on so they could at least cross the majority of the plain before nightfall. "One of them lacked the capacity for it. The other had some potential but... without her here for the training, I'm afraid I can't pass the gift on to her."

"Does it have to be a daughter? Couldn't one of your sons bear the responsibility?"

Nuru gently shook her head. "No. Something about the history of the gift. It's never been passed to a son before. Almost as if only the lionesses could receive it. Though I'm not sure if it's ever been attempted, passing the gift onto a son. I would assume it hasn't. With the increased insight I have, I've never seen the potential in any of my sons to carry the burden. Perhaps it can be done, but I would still rather pass it on to a daughter. Seems an unbreakable tradition."

"I can see how that would be significant to you." He followed quietly alongside her for a moment then spoke up once again. "I hope you can achieve your dream one day. It seems to be important, even if it wasn't something you had considered before."

The orange lioness smiled softly and nodded her head gently. "Thank you. Perhaps one day I can have that."

The two of them fell into another comfortable silence as they walked along the plain, the tall grass gently swaying in the light breeze. Regardless of how light it was, it was still appreciated under the warm sun. It was the hottest month of the year, after all. They picked up light conversation again. Asking about life here in the valley, how she got here, and wondered about her visions. Mostly he asked her questions and she merely answered them. She would occasionally ask a question though most were answered with unknowns. It seemed he didn't have much memory of his time before arriving in the plain himself. It was intriguing to think she had seen his arrival last season and he could hardly recall anything before that moment himself. As if he had just come to being by apparition. She wondered if he had. The god of creation and goddess of creation had shown up much the same, simply appearing before the pride shortly after the portal had ripped open by the lake. Perhaps Midas was a god? Or at least some deity of sorts. Even now just as she had in her vision of him she could feel a power coming from him. He might not be aware of it, but perhaps that too would be unlocked as he gained more of his memories on this journey.

After a long day of travel, the sun was finally behind the horizon leaving only streaks of light across the darkening sky. She could see the mifupa kavu mountains in the distance. "We should rest here for the night. We'll need to travel around those mountains tomorrow to reach the small valley where the riverbed meets the prides cave."

"Fair enough. Seems a better task to undertake in the light than in the dark."

"It most definitely is." Nuru took to circling in the grass making a small flattened patch to lie in for the night. She noticed Midas doing the same just beside her. With the grass stamped down, she laid down slightly curled with her head resting over her front paws. Midas also finished clearing a space for him and took to the ground. The areas they cleared overlapped slightly and they were lying rather close. They were almost lying opposite of one another though were face to face. She let out a small yawn before giving a soft smile. "Goodnight, Midas. Rest well."

He returned the smile and sighed in content. "You as well. Goodnight, Nuru."


The second day of travel had been about the same as the day before. Light conversation with long comfortable silences in between. They left as soon as they woke up, the sun's light peaking over the tops of the mountains. Perhaps they would arrive in the late afternoon rather than nightfall. They traversed around the mountains which took up most of the time. Typically there were passes to go through or caves to cut through but these mountains didn't have such things. Too craggy to travel over and any caves that were available were typically short or had caved in at some point. It made the trip longer but at least it was safe. Nearing the location of the pride as the sun was starting its decent to the horizon, they were met by an ashy and purple lioness.

"Kesi." Nuru smiled. "It's good to see you in good health."

The skeptical spy gave a quick grin and a subtle nod. "Nuru. What brings you all the way out here?" Her gaze shifted over to the large golden lion and narrowed. "And who is this?"

"This is Midas, a traveler. I had a vision of him last season that he would be arriving in the valley. He arrived nearly four days ago? Today is his fourth day in my company, at least. He's why I'm here. I've offered to show him around the regions of pekee pamoja. We've just come from kuni wa mkondo and it's cave with the eternal flame. We hope to visit the endless metal cave tomorrow here in maeneo ya kufa. More than likely, we'll head out the following day for chikoa wa zamani to see the gem cave and then travel to msitu wa baridi to see the elder tree."

Kesi nodded slowly, absorbing all the information. "Seems like quite the trip ahead of you. Come. I'll take you to Banou and Amaziah."

Both Nuru and Midas gave quick nods and followed the purple lioness. It wasn't much of a walk to the cave. Like most of the caves in the region, it wasn't very large though it seemed to be one of the larger ones they'd happened to find. Perhaps it was the reason they chose this specific spot to set up the smaller pride. That and its proximity to the river bed when it had water. Being fewer in number, all of the lions could fit in the cave should it get too hot or if a storm rolled in. On warmer nights, they're more likely to be spread out around the caves entrance rather than piled in together.

"Nuru?" The group turned and spotted a cloudy spotted lion. Kesi stated she'd fetch the princess to bring here then left the two there as the smaller lion approached. "I wasn't expecting to see you. What are you doing here?"

She smiled warmly and embraced him as he got within reach. "Do I need an excuse to be here, Faraji?"

"No, of course not. It's just unexpected." He returned the hug then nodded at Midas. "New member of the pride?"

Nuru pulled back with a chuckle and shook her head. "No, just a traveler. I'm showing him around. He's asked to see the magical anomalies in the different regions."

"I see. So you're here to see the cave, right? With the seemingly endless supply of gold?"

Midas gave a nod. "That would be correct."

"Is this the first stop you've made or...?"

Nuru shook her head. "No, we've just come from seeing the eternal flame. We didn't really explore it but we technically started at kamwe kuisha. Perhaps we can take another look at it after we've been to the other regions." She glanced over at Midas to see him nodding slowly."

"I wouldn't object. It would be nice to see more of the plain."

She smiled. Part of her wondered how long he'd stay with the pride. If he wanted to stay. Could he stay? It might depend on his memories. If he recovered some of the family he longed for, no doubt he would wish to return to them. It would be sad to see him leave. As they spent more time together and got to know one another- or rather, more of her sharing about herself with him, the more she felt they were becoming fast friends. He was knowledgeable despite lacking memories. He was kind and caring. She remembered feeling so intimidated by his presence that first day and even in the vision. She still got a bit of that feeling when she looked at him now as he was a large lion with rather imposing features, but he was proving to be soft and bighearted.

"It's good to see you, Nuru." The three turned to see Banou as well as Amaziah and Kesi. The princess gave a professional smile. So much like her mother, she thought. "Kesi informed me of your visit. I take it this is our visitor? Midas, was it?"

"You are correct." He bowed his head low. "I appreciate your hospitality, princess."

Her smile widened. "The pleasure is mine. We don't often get visits though I don't blame the others. This is a harsh land and it's not easy to love."

The large red lion beside her grumbled softly. "I still don't think I love it here. Though I would prefer this to the frozen snow. And perhaps the heat here is more tolerable than the heat in the jungle."

Nuru gave a warm laugh. "It definitely is not easy living here but every region has its trials and blessings." The group nodded in tandem but she cleared her throat to carry on. "I thought it best if we rest for the night and make our way to the cave tomorrow. Perhaps Shani or Lutum could point us in the right direction?"

"Of course. You're welcome to sleep in the cave or find a space outside. There might also be some food left over from our hunt earlier, though not much."

"Anything is welcome," Midas admitted.

"Then by all means, help yourselves." The lions made their goodbyes leaving Nuru and Midas to themselves. They opted for a light meal before turning in for the night. Nuru was unsure where she wanted to retire but noticed Midas laying down a little ways from the cave.

"Decided on sleeping outside?"

He smiled and nodded before looking up at the night sky. "I thought it would be nice to look up at the stars again. They're so beautiful."

She too smiled and looked up. "That they are." After a few more minutes of gazing, she looked down and made her choice. Lying not too far from him similar to the night before, she turned so she could see the stars while keeping her head down. "Perhaps I will join you."