Old Coding

3 years, 23 days ago
1 year, 8 months ago
21 12733 2

Chapter 13
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

I used to have his old profile coding in a tab, but this way is SO MUCH EASIER and doesn't break all the code. This is here for archival purposes, and most of the info is out of date.

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  • Gender Fluid (He/They)
  • AGE My Age
  • BIRTHDAY October 17th
  • RACE White
  • ETHNICITY American
  • BLOOD TYPE Unique
  • RESIDENCE Washington, USA
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Salem Oregon, USA
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • ROLE Main Sona and Mascot
  • RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married to Gary <33
  • Language English, 日本語
  • THEME 失礼しますが、RIP♡
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Real World


This "character" is simply myself and it is hard to describe how my realworld self is. When talking about him/them/me I often screw up pronouns and will use me/he/they/we when talking about us/me. This does mean irl I will ocassionally talk about myself in the third person. It's just as confusing for you as it is for me. Just ignore it. Idk what to do about it.

Lucca, most commonly known as Space or King, is an artist who primarily posts on Toyhouse. He is known for making obsessive ammounts of art in very little time, and having,, wayyyy too many ocs.

He has a very active imagination. He is often caught staring off into space or drawing in his sketchbook. A lot of what he draws is within Dreamworld.

He truly believes that with hardwork anything is possible, and hopes to one day be able to make enough money off of his art that he can do that for life. He has trouble with regular jobs, so he's putting everything he can into art. Seriously. Please buy my comms I want to move out.


Dream World/Vent World

"It's not technically murder"

Space is an artist. He can draw anything he wants. Him making a world, means he's the creator of said world means he's the god of said world. Space, the god of space, as he created the physical plane of existence within the spaces of the world he created is the god of space who creates spaces in which his creations live. His creations also being space in the physical sense... does that make sense? So he's the god of the world he creates using art and writing, because the "space" he's created is the world and characters/people he made up.

Because of this, Space is not technically a murderer, though does kill billions of millions of times... In his world of course. His victim is Nalia Lovelock, who is a past version of the Space you know today from a different timeline. Space kills her over and over and over again with the help of his husband Gary.

Space comes to realize he doesnt want to kill her, but in trying to save her she also dies. He's always on the wrong side.

He did however write this world for himself. He knows this. He's currently typing it out as if he were talking about a character he made up, which, I did,, but this is no time for confusing perspective. Or.. maybe it is. Cause thats his whole story. Or,, my story. Making stories. Through him. Me. God. God of the worlds I've made. Space. Yes. Murder, but not technically. In dreamworld he could be tried for suicide which is a funny thought. Though with Gary's help he'd probably not get convicted. Cause... Gary would never leave me... right?


  • Anime/Manga
  • Stars/Space/Galaxies
  • Rythm Games
  • His husband Gary <33
  • Drawing/Animating
  • Making spotify playlists
  • Watching Youtube


  • His voice
  • Bad vibes
  • Losing
  • Sudden Loud Noises
  • Tomatos
  • Sleep Schedules
  • Using Cringe as an insult and not praise
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Alternate Universes (AUs)

As you know by now, space's space is the space that he makes up. Meaning technically fandom worlds are cannon to his lore. I did just do this because I am a fanboy, but who cares. I am a pink haired god who is super really edgy and powerful for no reason and I just so happen to self insert into fandoms. Fuck you I'm owning it <3

Anyway, all of his Fandom AUs are in the tabs to the left and more indepth info can be found in each tab. Each tab does have coding and many images to acompany it.

There are 3 types of AUs you will find:

Replacement AUs, marked with (ᕯ) are Aus that take an existing in universe character and replace them with Space. For example, Hyuse is a character from the Manga World Trigger, and in Space's Hyuse AU, he wears Hyuses outfit and acts similarly to how he does! The outfit and personality is shifted slightly to match more to Space's irl personality/design, but otherwise it is a simple character replacement.

Insert AUs, marked with (⁑) are Aus that take Space and inserts him into the timeline the fandom is currently in. For example, Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc is a game where students are locked in a school and are forced to kill eachother if they want to leave. Space has been inserted as a 16th student and lives the events of the game, though trying to change them given he knows the events that are about to happen.

Creative Aus, marked with (⁂) are Aus that take the story already provided by the source and advances it. For example, Bnha is an anime where 80% of the worlds population have super powers. In the series, we see the journey of Deku who goes to a hero school called UA to become a pro hero. In Space's AU, deku and all of his classmates are professional heroes and its now Space's turn to go to UA to follow in the footsteps of his favorite heroes. Of course these AUs are the most fun, but can become very messy when the official source makes my fanfiction impossible in universe.

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  • Drawing
  • Gaming
  • Dancing
  • Collecting things
  • Watching Anime/Movies/Shows


  • Has random knowledge
  • Can do things quickly
  • Likes learning new things
  • Plotting Murder
  • Creative


  • To Murder Nalia Lovelock
  • To Save Nalia Lovelock
  • To get space to #1 on toyhouse
  • Produce a game/comic
  • Make enough to live off art


  • [trigger topics]
  • Gary not being there for him
  • His god powers being taken away
  • Not being in control
  • Nalia escaping


  • Knows Gary isn't real
  • Knows he's not god
  • Knows murder isn't the answer
  • Knows he's a terrible person
  • Knows it's not worth it


  • Stutters when excited/scared
  • Talks with his hands
  • Very jumpy
  • Picks at skin
  • Face very expressive


  • Cannot focus
  • No sense of time/always late
  • Asking for help
  • Any of his fears
  • Himself?


  • Is a 5digit in osu!s and osu!m
  • Memorizing anime dances
  • Murder
  • Collecting things
  • Learns very quickly
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The Icon Horde



Code by AviCode, Heavily Edited by