Rules & TOS


  • You must be 18+ to enter & participate in this community.Ā 
    While there is no active NSFW channels or areas within the community Discord or theĀ 

    website, there is a hard limit of no users under the age of 18. This is to protect bothĀ 
    adults and minors. There is a very tricky slope when it comes to minors using appsĀ 
    such as PayPal, among various other things regarding minors in closed-speciesĀ 
    communities that we do not wish to deal with. Anyone found attempting to get aroundĀ 
    this rule will be blocked & indefinitely banned from the species & community.Ā 
  • No hate speech, racisim, abelism... basically, don't be an ass.
    I know it seems like we shouldn't have to say it, but sadly we do. Please use common
    courtesy, respect people's boundaries -- all those things that come with being a decent
    human being. This also applies to your usage of Desscentaurs and the Desscentaur
    name/image. Offensive material is not permited in this community, no exceptions. Not
    even if you are in the community in question. We don't want to risk people using this as a
    loophole to be gross. You may use curse words, but use your best judgement.Ā 
  • Please listen to and respect mods.
    Mods will be moderating mainly on Discord, but will also be keeping an eye on things on
    the ToyHouse and will be bringing any sort of trouble to the owner/admins attention. Any
    disrespect to the mods will result in strikes or immediateĀ bans depending on the severity
    of the occurance. Mods are here to help make sure that your experience here in Desscentaurs
    goes a smoothly as possible, and that you enjoy your time here. Please don't make their job
    harder by sassing or disrespecting them! If you are having any genuine issues with mods,
    please message theenderqueen or sleepyygh0st and we'll do what we can to sort things out.Ā 
  • You must inform staff of any trades, sales, or anything that would otherwise effect the Masterlist.
    If a Desscentaur is sold or traded, you MUST inform the staff so we can update the
    Masterlist! That way we can ensure that no Taurs get stolen and that all our records are
    in order! You cannot sell or trade a Desscentaur to anyone on the Blackist.Ā 
    The Blacklist exists for the comfort and safety of staff as well as users. It may be
    added to or updated at any time at the discression of the mods & owners.
    You cannot sell or trade a Desscentaur to anyone who does NOT have an
    account on the site!Ā We use the site to ensure all Taurs are
    where they're supposed to be, that all rules for designs are being followed, and
    that everything is kept fair. It keeps track of all and any Taurs! You may post your
    Desscentaurs on other websites (Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, ToyHouse, DeviantArt,
    ect), but you MUST have an account on the site with all your Desscentaurs attatched!
    All sales/trades/ect requires proof.Ā 
  • Desscentaurs are a closed species.
    This means you cannot make one without a MYO slot. We do not claim to own theĀ 
    concept of satyr type species, but weĀ doĀ claim this specific iterationĀ of them. Making
    carbon copies of existing Desscentaurs, making oc(s)/species with similar traits/lore,
    and/or claiming OCs to be Desscentaurs or Desscentaur-esque beings will result in
    a call out and being added to the Blacklist. Again, we do not own satyr/fawn typeĀ 
    species, it's only when the character is very clearly a rip off or attempting to skirtĀ 
    around rules that we will take issue with it.Ā 
  • Breaking TOS may result in a ban and/or being Blacklisted from the species.Ā 
    C'mon guys. We're all adults here. We just wanna have fun, build a community, andĀ 
    draw some cool characters. Please just use your good common sense when it comesĀ 
    to things, and when in doubt: ask. We'd rather you ask than make a guess thatĀ 
    becomes a problem. We don't bite, I promise <3Ā 
  • Pending additions/changes/ect.
    These terms of service are subject to change at any time without any prior notice. If and when
    changes are made, all users will be notified. Please be sure you have read these terms of service,
    as well as the rules/terms of service on the website, the rules/terms of service in the
    Discord, as well as any individual artist's rules/terms of service for adopts. Failure to do so may
    result in strikes, bans, and potentially being blacklisted from the species.Ā 


  • Payments.
    All payments with real money (USD) must be completed within 48 hours of initial purchase.
    This includes adopts, MYO slots, and items from the shop, either here on the site, through
    ToyHouse, or Discord. If you are doing another sort of payment (art, trade, ect), the terms and
    timeline of payment are up to the artist and it is up to you to discuss this with them. If there are
    any issues in payment -- you changed your mind, something came up, ect -- you mustĀ notify the
    artist whom you are buying from. If payment is not properly recieved within the allotted time,
    your purchase will be revoked until payment is properly made. Backing out, deleting bid comments,

    and ghosting artists as well results in a blacklist/ban and a revoking of any purchases.Ā 

Adopts & MYOs

  • Cooldown Period.
    All bought adopts have a cooldown period of 14 days. After that, you're welcome to sell the adopt
    for the currency you bought it in. You may not raise the price unless you have spent that much
    on artwork for your Desscentaur. As to not undervalue your own contributions to your Taur's art,
    you may count your art in the price as long as you cut the price in half. For example, if you
    usually sell Full Body commissions for $24, and you do one of your Desscentaur, you may add
    $12 to your Desscentaur's value. The Desscentaur website has a worth tracker for each Taur, so
    you're welcome to update that as necessary!
  • Adopts & Customs may ONLY be made by official staff and Guest Artists (GAs).Ā 
    Only official staff members (The Owners & the Discord Mods) can make Desscentaur Adopts
    and/or Customs! Please do not commission or request Desscentaur adopts from any other

    artists, as this will lead to both you and them being placed on the Blacklist.Ā 

Co-Owns, Reselling, Gifting, & Trading

  • You cannot resell unused MYO slots.Ā 
    An unused MYO slot may not be resold, traded, or gifted. This is to prevent people from hording
    them and more or less just selling them off, as I've seen done with many other closed species
    on this site ): The MYO must be used, approved, and then wait the 14 day cooldown period
    before it can resold or traded. Ā 
  • You may not gift Desscentaurs.
    This is to prevent people from skirting around the above rule. his is a steadfast rule at
    the moment, but may change in the future depending on how things go. If the rule
    does change, it will be to this: "Your Desscentaur must exist for a minimum of 3monthsĀ 
    before it can be gifted to anyone." Please... respect this. We want to be fair and we know
    the joy of giving gifts, but we would like to be sure no one skirts around the above rule.
    So for now, no Desscentaur gifting! If it changes, we'll let you know. <3
  • Co-Owns are to be only between 2 people, please keep mods out of any drama.Ā 
    You are allowed to co-own a Desscentaur with up to one other personĀ -- that means aĀ 

    Desscentaur can be owned by 2 people total. Please only co-own with people you know!Ā 
    If problems arise withinĀ the co-own, please do not bring server mods into it!

Commercial Use

  • We do not allow commercial usage of Desscentaurs at this time.
    This includes, but is not limited to: making merchandise (for sale ORĀ personal use), usingĀ 
    them for VTuber/PNGTuber avatars, using them for shops/online stores/convention storeĀ 
    mascots, using them in monetized web comics or projects, or anything of the sort. At theĀ 
    moment, only the species owners may make merchandise. This includes personalĀ 
    as well as general species content. They can be commissioned to make charms, pins,
    stickers, posters, or other merchandise for you however! Once again, these can
    only be commissioned from the species owners, and is only for your personal
    use -- you may not use or resell any patterns or products made withoutĀ 
    EXPLICIT PERMISSION.Ā This may change in the future!