
A long long time ago, before anything existed in the universe and was only full of darkness and emptiness, a spark of hope appeared, propagating its light across the empty void. The void was now full of hot bright stars all over, slowly moving away from the point they began from, but not only stars appeared, another figure did too...


The Creator, an indescribable entity that legends say is made purely of light emerged from the spark, resembling somewhat what we now call a Manehood. But the Creator was lonely, its only company were the light of the stars and the emptiness of the void, so it cried, and cried, and from its tears formed another entity, the Created. Legends say that it was the same shape as the Creator, but its body was made of water and reflected a dim light. glass3.png

Together, they were unseparable friends. They spent every moment together, and wanted to extend their friendship further. They loved to play around this one big yellow star, what we now call "Luce". They wanted to create something that'd express both their characteristics, putting together their whole heart and soul in it. So both of them slowly started to give up parts of themselves to create a world of their own, their bodies were becoming smaller and smaller but their new creation was becoming bigger and bigger. This is what we now call "Exteria". They also wanted to give Luce a friend, so with a kiss they created a smaller version of Exteria, but without any grass or life, what we now know as "Luna". 


But, both entities had a small piece of themselves left, the world they created was beautiful but it was missing something. There were animals and sprawling vegetation but it just needed something more. So the Created left their last part of their essence to create the body for the new creature, and the Creator used it to create the mind. glass5.png

With no more physical presence, the love they both felt for eachother went into their creations. For Exteria, the love manifested into an enormous bright pink crystal, what is known as "the Great Barrier", and for the creature it manifested as magical properties.


But that's just the legend, some believe it, some don't. What we do know is that after the Great Spark (what we know here as "Big Bang"!) created thousands of galaxies and stars and planets. Inside one of the galaxies appeared a really small system, what we know as the Luce system, made up of only Luce, the mid-sized star, Exteria, the habitable planet, and Luna, the satellite orbiting around Exteria. 



We are still unsure how Manehoods appeared or how the magical phenomena started manifesting.

But we do know that once Manehoods started creating civilisations, they already had access to magic. Small groups of Manehoods started popping up across the Light Hemisphere, few Manehoods actually went to the Dark Hemisphere, which is surprising due to the fact that the Great Barrier at the time didn't have any points to go through it, so the only way they could've gotten over it would be by climbing over it. 

The Great Barrier, being a really tough to get through physical block, created a drastic cultural barrier between the hemispheres, one place developed far differently from the other.


The biggest groups of Manehoods started building big cities, the structures were usually made with big rocks, likely because telekinesis was one of the first magic spells to be learned, allowing for easier transport. Though there were also houses built with lighter materials, such as wood. Writing was already being developed, as ancient runic script began showing up on several stone tablets, and this is where we found the legend of the Creator and Created. Temples and other structures dedicated to these deities were being created around that time period, some containing pieces of albenite, either stuck inside the rock walls, or put on pedestals at the center of the altar. Often, the albenite would be used to create special light effects, depending on the type of crystal used, the room could be filled by a pink, purple, or blue hue, though most temples with the purple or blue albenite crystals have been lost to time.


Surprisingly we do not have many records of wars or other conflicts of notice, which is noted by the lack of fortifications around most cities. This could've been caused by the abundance of natural resources, leading to most groups having enough supplies to be self sufficient and not needing to go out of their way to get more from others. 

Though the few records of wars have been from smaller groups, often nomad groups trying to settle, fighting for territory or resources. During these conflicts, it's likely magic was used to gain an advantage in combat, maybe even creating new spells to cause harm. We know a lot of fire has been involved in these conflicts. 


Around this time, a first attempt to break into the Great Barrier has been made, to explore the other hemisphere, but to no avail...


We know that few Manehoods originating from the Light Hemisphere went into the other hemisphere, though they've always been a minority compared to the population of darkeners living there. Despite being quite different from the others, the Manehoods happily integrated into darkener society, slowly changing alongside the other population, and slowly obtaining traits from them, likely from crossbreeding between compatible species. Some say this may be where genetic special traits originated from. Together, the Manehood and darkener population created big groups aswell, making huge fortresses with dark stone and decorating those with albenite and obsidian. 

Unlike the lighteners though, there were several aggressive populations in the Dark Hemisphere, we have many records of wars taking place between big groups for territory. It is theorised this might be because the Dark Hemisphere had areas with less supplies and big desert areas, causing local populations to seek out more fertile territories to get supplies from, usually having to fight the populations already there. Fertile areas were commonly around the small volcanoes all over the dark territory, as much as they might be dangerous to live around, they still created very fertile terrain around the area volcanic ashes and debris fell on.


Despite all the fighting there might've been between civilisations, the Dark Hemisphere was still a unique and lovely place to be in. Some innovations were even made here before the Light Hemisphere, such as the wheel and the first wooden vehicles, due to the fact that magic was less common in the Dark Hemisphere at this point, magic would only become common once the Magic Core started appearing in other creatures as well, so they had to improvise. 

They started innovating more and more, creating huge machinery that could be moved by telekinesis, and they used them to create big farms, big tunnels, printing, etc...

Eventually though, telekinesis wasn't going to be enough, especially since it required a lot of man power to get going, and mental power is just as tiresome as physical power. So the darkeners built huge structures using geothermal heat to create mass amounts of vapor to move big mechanisms. With this power at hand, the darkeners began trying to poke through the Great Barrier, but failing.... the barrier is just really, really tough. 



Like we mentioned earlier, the Dark Hemisphere has always had a rocky track record regarding conflicts. After the first large technological developments, kingdoms and their national identities began forming. The largest conflict we have tangible proof of is the Kratorn-Glacio war. Glacio's ruler at the time was King Scourge, a large and furry Manehood who would govern his country with an iron fist, silencing every opposer. He was a charmer that'd win over the masses with his charisma. His main goal was to expand his territory to Kratorn, seeking out not only the fertile volcanic soil of his objective but also the fame that'd come from owning an incredibly large empire.


The ruler of Kratorn at the time was Queen Zephyr, a stoic tactician that was impeccable at commanding her troops to victory. She already had a son from a previous relationship of hers, that ended with her becoming a widow.


Despite being aware of her blunt nature, Scourge took the risk to try and seduce her. By marrying her, he'd be able to merge the two territories under his government and not even need any military intervention, and then he could find some way to get rid of her.  With time, he managed to break through her hard shell. He adapted his ways to be of her liking, fitting in exactly in the mold of her desired ideal man, and she couldn't help but fall into his trap. 

Scourge, convinced he already had this in the bag, began planning out who he'd try for next. The kingdom of Gaton was right next to Kratorn, and conquering it would allow him to have full control of the whole central Dark Hemisphere. Gaton's ruler was Queen Rosaria, a gentle soft Manehood who was mindful of her people's needs and govern in a pacific way. 


Scourge felt as if she would be easy to swindle, seeing her kindness as a weakness, and so at a few meetings he'd try to lure his way in. But Zephyr quickly caught wind of his cheating. She soon realised Scourge was just manipulating her to achieve his twisted goal, and so she felt deeply betrayed. Rosaria also quickly lost trust in Scourge, not being aware that he already had another partner.  Knowing his whole plan had been foiled, Scourge resorted to waging war on Kratorn. Gaton remained neutral during this.  The main battles happened around where the current Buzzell is, formerly Glacio territory. Many new types of destructive magic spells were developed during this war, such as earthquake spells, various types of elemental explosions, etc... The two leaders were directly involved in the battle field, contributing to the conflict themselves, due to knowing the most advanced spells. Fueled by hatred towards her abuser, she used all the energy in her body to cast a devastating spell, dividing the ground beneath Scourge, causing him to be swallowed by the fracture.


However, a spell so powerful comes with its consequences: her body was extremely exhausted, leading to her falling in a coma. Glacio, without any military leader, quickly gave up and signed a peace treaty with a temporary leader. It's likely that the queen's condition worsened after this, leading to her death. Her kingdom was given to her son, and a part of the Glacio territory was given to Kratorn for the victory. 


Decades pass, and in the mean time lighteners have obtained innovation aswell, creating big machines but using the water's power to move things fast. Around this time, TEBA is born in the biggest lightener city, the one where the Exterian Academy is born too. TEBA expands across the whole Hemisphere, creating secret underground locations, where they distribute the currency widely used at the time, Albenite Shards. To obtain these shards, they'd make huge mines using the machinery they developed, eventually making the underground layer of the Great Barrier very thin, even poking a few holes. 

Civilised darkeners all live on the surface, though criminals, feral monsters, and other evil creatures all get banished underground in big dark caves, kinda acting as sort of "prisons". With TEBA creating accidental holes in the underground layers, these evil creatures started to pass through them, infiltrating the mineshafts TEBA created in the Light Hemisphere. These creatures, to avoid being spotted, would hide in other underground areas, such as natural caves, mines, even basements, and then during the night, when nobody would spot them, they'd go around cities to cause chaos.


After realising the leakage was caused by TEBA, they quickly changed the currency, so they'd stop having to break the Great Barrier. This is when Wishes became the new currency, a paper tag infused with unique magic that couldn't be copied from anyone, and could only be infused by TEBA employees. 

This leakage of evil monsters caused a stigma to form around darkeners, people would assume all Dark Hemisphere people were evil and so all holes would be closed off and no attempt to break through the Great Barrier would be made by lighteners after this. 

Darkeners however, still tried to break through the Great Barrier on the surface, improving their machinery with every attempt. The lighteners weren't very happy about this, so guards were always ready on the borders, in case they'd manage to get through. 

Eventually, with strong enough machinery, the darkeners managed to break through and make a hole through the Barrier, and they could finally meet the lighteners. However, they did not recieve a warm welcome, since the lighteners were immediately hostile towards them, assuming they'd act like the rest of the evil creatures, so for a long while nobody could get through.


Governors from across several dark cities tried to reason with the lighteners, showing them that not all of them are bad, and that the darkeners that escaped were only criminals and evil creatures.

After years of diplomacy, the gates were finally opened, allowing for lighteners and darkeners to roam freely across all of Exteria. Over the years, more tunnels and entrances were made to go through the Barrier. 


TEBA exists in the Dark Hemisphere too, there is cultural and economic exchanges between both hemispheres, and people live in harmony... sort of. The evil creatures that got out during the original leakage still dwell underground, making certain areas unsafe, and the stigma around darkeners still isn't gone completely, some people still distrust them.

