
If you have any questions, we suggest asking in the Discord server for the quickest response! Otherwise, DM the masterlist. Please skim through to make sure your question has not already been answered, however!

General F.a.Q!

Can I make my own Eisangelia?

  • Yes!... Somewhat. We require a specific process in order to approve your Eisangel. Please read up on the MYO informaton guide for more on that.

Well, how do I get an Eisangel?

  • Every new member can claim a free Token one time, which allows a user to create a common Eisangel! For more information regarding this, please check out our Token Claim bulletin.

How do I get more Eisangelia?

  • Every month, the species hosts both a slot sale and a raffle that lasts for approximately 24 hours. During this time, you can either purchase a common slot for $10 and/or a rare slot for $25; OR, you can enter the raffle, which will have a few free common slots and very limited rare slots that anyone is able to win! Please refer to the MYO informaton guide for more in-depth information and rules.

What about crossbreeds?

  • Allowed as long as the other species permits it! You must have a rare slot, however.

Can I become a Guest Artist or a Designer?

  • Our Guest Artist applications open monthly, sometimes bi-monthly depending on events and plans! As for designers, if we plan to add anymore to the team, we will make an announcement regarding so!

What are Sigilis Rings?

  • Sigilis Rings is the currency used throughout the species! You can earn them through art redemption in the Discord server, participating in events, and exchanging species items for it.

Is Eisangelia a closed species?

  • Not really, we consider it to be more of a semi-closed species. Everyone is able to enter following specific rules and regulations.

What do I do if I change my username?

  • Please inform staff so we can update the bank. You must also provide links to your slots and masterlist entries in order to be updated.

Can my Eisangel have prosthetics?

  • Eisangelia are very unique in their own way, just like humans. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors- so yes, of course your Eisangel can have a prosthetic! Any disability a human can have, so can an Eisangel. Impaired vision or hearing, missing limbs, or any objects/items that may assist them, such as wheelchairs or hearing-aids, will always be allowed.

If I have a rare slot, can I use common traits?

  • Yes! You do not have to only use rare traits.

Can rare traits be stacked?

  • Yeah! You can combine traits such as any material oculi and any material body parts (just an example).

Are we allowed to use bases?

  • As long as you credit it and follow the base maker's ToS, of course.

What's the difference between a token and a slot?

  • Tokens are account bound. Once you claim your one free token, you can never claim another! They are always common, and unable to be gifted or traded. Tokens are 100% free, too! Slots, however, will always be giftable and tradable (resellable if purchased). You can have as many as you'd like as long as you earn them! Slots are not free. They can also be rare, unlike a Token.

Do slots or tokens expire?

  • No, and they never will.

Lore F.a.Q!

Am I required to follow the lore?

  • Nope, but it's encouraged!

Where do Eisangelia come from?

  • Eisangelia were created by the Pillars, beings of pure celestial energy and magic hand-sculpted by the Universe herself.

What's the world that Eisangelia live in called?

  • Sigilis! It is a layered world made up of five realms; (in order of outer to inner layer); Eirlys, Infernos, Aether, Nocturne, Limbo. The closer to the "center" that the realm is, the more powerful the magic output. The inner-most layer may have the most powerful magic output, but it is also unstable and dangerous.

Are there factions or organizations?

  • We highly recommend to review our lore page for information. Yes, there are factions and organizations, two examples being Ophidia and the Nephilim.

What were Eisangelia created for?

  • They were created to collect souls and guide them to the after-life as a thank you to the Universe from the Pillars! Eisangelia do not do this work their entire lives, but many enjoy it.

Wait- Can my Eisangel visit other worlds?

  • Absolutely! Eisangelia, as Reapers, are able to travel beyond their own world. This requires authorization from the Department of Travel Services, as they're the organization that manages and looks over portals found throughout Sigilis.

What if my Eisangel is evil?

  • You get bonked to Limbo, a realm for rogues and criminals! It is very difficult to escape from.

A very important question... Are there cats in Sigilis?

  • Yes. Sigilis has an assortment of animal and plant life. Once again, we recommend you check out the lore page!

Why do Eisangelia look the way that they do?

  • Eisangelia were created by the Pillars, who "frankensteined" them using parts from beasts found in each realm.