Stained Claw Society

  • Motto: "Stained is the claw, but clear is my goal" 
  • Logo: a set of white claws against a blue or dark background. One claw is depicted with greenish ooze dripping from it 

The Mythix’s equivalent of the Order of Babel according to some rumours: they look at humans as “inferiors”, actively discriminating them whenever possible. However, they don’t seek to marginalize or eliminate them; on the contrary, they do recognise some value in mankind… as a population to subjugate and exploit that is. Unlike the Order of Babel, they aren’t a paramilitary group; quite the opposite, they’re a de-centralized group without a well-defined internal hierarchy besides a leader for each individual and independent cell. These cells are united only by common principles and goals, plus a pact of mutual assistance between its members. Any mean is valid to undermine the stability and power of human societies, so different cells can operate quite differently in their territory, although usually in covert or illicit ways. The Guardians of Gaea have thus a hard time spotting these dangerous cells, but can sometimes take advantage of the heated rivalry between the Stained Claw Society and the Order of Babel…

female merfolk wings mythological creature aquatic anthro winged mermaid lycanthrope male fish naga feline snake hybrid goat triton satyress avian multi limbs