
Seeker's Lore Guide

Quick Facts . . .

Playable ? Yes

How to Obtain Sales, Events, & More!

Available Tiers Standard, Mythical,
& Legendary

Master List Link


Important Note: Seekers are a closed species, do not make your own without express permission (via events, MYO items, etc.). Users do not have the right to create their own official Seeker. Any mimics made without permission will not be admitted to the group or community. Learn more about our Closed Species TOS here.

Seekers are one of many spirits that call the Sanctuary of Ardour home. Seekers are known to venture off on long quests in search of rare items and most curiously, lost souls. Due to their wondering nature most do not have a permanent home, and instead, will make due within hollowed-out tree stumps, caves, and abandoned structures.

Seekers have been known to carry lost souls within the little bags or pouches they keep on them at all times. Most Seekers will guide these souls back to their vessels but on rare occasions, some have been known to hoard and even sell them for a profit.

A Seeker's Personality & Biology

Seekers are independent and driven by a deep wanderlust and seldom settle in one place. Their strong sense of exploration often leads them to venture into towns together, seeking a night's rest before resuming their journeys.

Despite their independent nature, it's not unusual for some Seekers to form guilds or groups, improving their effectiveness in adventuring. These groups may also become a refuge for other adventurous spirits.

The reason for a Seeker's drive to adventure is currently unknown, however, what is known is that Seekers have an uncanny knack for finding lost souls. These souls could've belonged to any creature, once a Seeker stumbles upon one, they will often coax it into its Spiritpouch for safekeeping.

While many Seekers engage in communicating with lost souls to aid in finding desired locations or guiding them back to their vessels, a darker motive may show in some cases. Some Seekers have gained notoriety for hoarding these lost souls, either for the acquisition of magical power or for selling them to shady individuals for significant profit.

The delicate task of locating and interacting with lost souls demands a keen sense of caution from Seekers. Not all souls are benevolent; some carry inherent hostility that poses a significant threat. There have been instances where these sinister souls, if approached too closely, can possess a Seeker's body. Due to this ever-present and unpredictable danger, Seekers always carry an Auricordia to ward off evil souls and spirits


Spiritpouches are little bags a Seeker creates before exploring the realms. They carry this bag wherever they may travel. Since these bags will become the new home to any lost spirits a Seeker may encounter, most Seekers will fashion these bags onto themselves to ensure they are never misplaced.


To protect themselves from evil spirits seeking to possess them, Seekers adorn themselves with an Auricordias, a magical rope, thread, ribbon, zipper, etc. that enhances their magical powers. The glow of an Auricordias will often be enough to keep evil souls at bay, however, should one be coaxed into a Spiritpouch the Auricordias will glow white hot in an effort to exorcise the soul.

Death of a Seeker


In the unfortunate event of a Seeker falling prey to possession by an evil spirit, either through the loss of an Auricordia or a failed exorcism attempt, a terrible internal struggle ensues where a Seeker's soul is forced to battle the evil intruder.

Seeking help promptly is crucial, as the consequences of failure are dire. Should the Seeker succumb entirely to possession, their very soul faces consumption by the malevolent force, resulting in a profound loss of identity and self.

Damaged or Lost Auricordia

If a Seeker's Auricordia becomes lost or damaged, the wisest course of action is for the Seeker to retreat to a secure village or town. There, they can undertake the crucial task of repairing or crafting a new Auricordia. The significance of the Auricordia extends beyond repelling malevolent souls and spirits. It serves as a safeguard for the Seeker's own fickle spirit, preventing it from inadvertently escaping its handcrafted vessel.



✧ Below are traits used for Beta 01 MYOs only. ✧

An updated list of traits and rarities can be found on the website.

Must Haves

Seekers come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few 'must-have' traits that separate them from the other spirits within Ardour:
  • A Spiritpouch and Auricordia somewhere on their person.
  • The Auricordia should glow, can be any color.
  • Bodies must look handcrafted, patched together, etc.
  • They have large hands and small feet.
  • Defining features such as pawpads, claws, etc. are optional.
  • Ears and tails are optional.

Standard Seeker Traits

Standard Seekers must fall within the below rules & traits. They cannot pull from any traits listed on Mythical or Legendary.

How to Obtain

  • Offical Sales, Raffles, & Events
  • Standard Flame (MYO)
  • Resales from Playermarket


  • The Auricordia can only be a ribbon or rope/thread. Charms, beads, and other small trinkets can decorate them.
  • Horns (limited to 1 set)
  • Small Halos (limited to 1)
  • Small Wings (limited to 1 set)
  • Greater Wisp (up to 50% of body)
  • Spines & Spikes
  • Wiskers & Ribbon extrusions

Available Body Textures

  • Up to 2 textures if 'stitched' together:
  • Fabric/plush
  • Feathers & Fur
  • Cotton, Buttons, Zippers, Sequins, etc. are allowed as accessories.

Mythical Seeker Traits

Mythical Seekers can take on any trait listed in Standard & Mythical. They cannot take on traits listed in Legendary.

How to Obtain

  • Offical Sales, Raffles, & Events
  • Mythical Flame (MYO)
  • Resales from Playermarket


  • Auricordias can include zippers or stitching.
  • Unlimited Horns & Halos
  • Small wings (up to 2 sets)
  • Full Wisp (Unlimited)
  • Multiple Tails
  • Sparse Bioluminescence (up to 20% of body)
  • Aquatic Traits (fins, tentacles, gills, etc.)

Available Body Textures

  • Mythical Seekers can have up to 3 textures on their bodies.
  • Slime/goo (up to 20% of Body)
  • Metals, wires, and other electronics (up to 20% of Body)

Legendary Seeker Traits

Legendary Seekers can take on any trait listed in Standard, Mythical, & Legendary.

How to Obtain

  • Offical Sales, Raffles, & Events
  • Legendary Flame (MYO)
  • Resales from Playermarket


  • Auricordias can include buttons, wires, tassels, etc.
  • Small Wings (Unlimited)
  • Large Wings (up to 2 sets)
  • Real & Extra Eyes (eyes on body)
  • Bioluminescence (Unlimited)
  • Multiple Limbs
  • Chameleon (Body can change colors)
  • Floating (Body parts can detach and float around the body)

Available Body Textures

  • Legendary Seekers can have an unlimited amount of textures on their bodies.
  • Plantlife, crystals, rocks
  • Metals, wires, and other electronics.
  • Vapor/Gas/Smoke
  • Transparent/Glass
  • Slime/Goo

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