

Artwork by atempause
Quick Facts . . .

Threat Level? ✰✰✰★

Playable? No

Location? Outer Lumia Village,
Whispering Pines,
Somber Realms
About . . .

Swarms are inky black pests known for traveling in large groups, hence the name. These creatures prefer the cover of shadows, making them more active during the night. While they primarily dwell deep within the Whispering Pines, recent sightings indicate their migration closer to Lumia Village.
While swarms pose a low threat to seasoned adventurers and those undergoing combat training, they can present a serious danger to untrained individuals. Their ability to mimic small animals could fool a few from far away but their fluid, liquid-like movements give away their true identity.
Swarms that intrude upon Lumia Village often target unattended or overgrown fields, infecting crops and soil, and leading to rapid vegetation decay. The only known method to restore such infected land involves a group of Petalings singing over the affected area.


Artwork by atempause
Quick Facts . . .

Threat Level? ✰✰★★

Playable? No

Location? Whispering Pines,
Somber Realms
About . . .

When a Hollow's mask is forcibly removed, its soul departs, leaving behind an empty vessel, its body. If left unclaimed by another spirit, the vessel can swiftly succumb to a mysterious, shadowy substance that consumes it, transforming it into what is known as a Husk.
A Husk retains the resemblance of the Hollow it once was, albeit without its mask. Inky black goo often drips or hovers from the open space or any other wounds on the vessel. Some speculate that the inky substance comprises a collective of Swarms, which manipulate the vessel's from within.
Husks pose a significant danger to novice explorers due to their erratic and swift movements, making them difficult to evade. They are also notorious for collecting the Auricordias of Seekers.


Artwork by atempause

Quick Facts . . .

Threat Level? ★★★★

Playable? No

Location? Somber Realms
About . . .

Also known as "Maskhoarders", these terrifying creatures are said to lurk deep within the Somber Realm, preying upon Ardorians who stray too far from safety. Their characteristics can vary, some resemble an inky black substance similar to Swarms, and others appear to cover themselves in fur, leaves, and other items as if to mimic a Spirit. Hoarders are known to collect the masks of fallen Hollow's, though sometimes they don't wait for the mask to fall off by other means...
They will often wear the masks themselves, and keep a collection nearby. They will also collect and keep the Auricoras from Seekers, harvesting its magic for its own gain. As if it were a cruel joke, they may even use the Auricoras as clasps for their newly found masks.