General Info


  • Cavern Na'vi have a dark blue, purple or turquoise tinted skin.
  • They have sharp claws that are great for digging and gripping onto hard surfaces.
  • Compared to forest Na'vi their ears are pointier and bigger.
  • Their tails are thicker and shorter compared to forest Na'vi, sometimes the tip doesn't  even have any hair on it.
  • Shorter upper fangs and larger fangs on the bottom row of their teeth.
  • Eyes are usually very light or lighter blue in colour.


  • As the name suggests cavern Na'vi live in caverns, large cave systems and burrows in soil.
  • Humid environments are also part of their dwellings. Even underwater caves with air pockets can be inhabited by cavern Na'vi.
  • Cavern Na'vi tend to stay close to the ground but their swimming abilities can even suprise the reef Na'vi.
  • Their living spaces are littered with bioluminescent plantlife. The plants seems to stop glowing when danger is near. If the intruder cannot see well in the dark the danger can be dealt with quickly.
  • Cavern Na'vi make paint from bioluminescent plants. When dry the paint is very hard to remove so it doesn't dissolve in water. The paint can be used to paint markings on skin or it can be even used as tattoo ink.
  • Tattoos / bodypaint usually resembles water, waves, fish scales or even lightning.
  • Their ''spirit tree'' is an underwater tree. It pulses with light blue light and it resembles a very large underwater mangrove tree. The tree resides in a lake nicknamed ''the lake of life''.


  • Bats
  • Geodes, crystals and fancy caves.
  • Bioluminescent plants and animals.
  • The fear of the dark.

Fun Facts:

  • Due to the heavy use of accessories on the clothes, cavern Na'vi tend to make a shuffling or clinking noise when moving around.
  • Their eyes are very sensitive to light, this can make moving around the surface very difficult.


  • Onkalo - The luminous cave clan