General Info


  • The willow Na'vi have a striking purple/blue coloration to their skin.
  • Their tails are thick and strong.
  • Sharp fangs can be found on both the upper and lower jaw. Someone might compare their teeth to vampires.
  • Willow Na'vi ears are long and curl upwards to varying degrees. Their ears are extremely expressive and can tell a lot about how one is feeling.
  • Many willow Na'vi have naturally sharp nails on both their feet and hands, some file them down for aesthetic/convenience.
  • Adults have black sclera due to a certain plant that is used during the Na'vis rite of passage. Younger willow Na'vi have regular white sclera.


  • Willow Na'vi are somewhat nomadic with their living. Though it is not unheard of to see a clan living in one place their whole lives. It is more common for them to move from place to place in search for something.
  • Willow Na'vi tend to stay awake during eclipse and sleep during the daytime.
  • They are extremely spiritual and they focus greatly on the guiding force that is Eywa. ''To follow one's heart'' is a core teaching in willow Na'vi clans.
  • Other clans seem to have negative thoughts on willow Na'vi. They seem to be quite unemotional to others and some seem to think they are completely soulless.
  • In reality Willow Na'vi are highly empathetic and emotional, they just don't show ''unnecessary'' emotion to those they consider outsiders. 
  • Their nickname ''willow'' comes from the fact that they live around special trees that only they can grow. Other clans and Na'vi have tried to grow these trees but have always failed. These trees remind skypeople of hydrangea and/or willow trees. They can grow extremely tall and have beatiful hanging leaves and flowers that come in a rainbow of colors. It seems different clans live around different colored trees. 
  • If a clan moves away from one of these trees it dies quickly after.


  • Willow trees, hydrangea flowers, weeping trees.
  • Crystals, escpecially amethysts and geodes.
  • Glow in the dark plants and animals.

Fun Facts:

  • Rumors say that their eyes glow in the dark.
  • Willow Na'vi are naturally very flexible and most can do the splits easily.


  • Vitraya clan - The soulless clan